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Head Cracked (sorry long post)

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and its fixed, and over. so what? motors blow, it happens. everyday people blow a motor. hell tony you have no room to talk, your car is more fucked up than michael jackson


Aaron, u don't even know what happened to my car, and neways u fuck more little boys than michael jackson!


i dont hold them over balconies when im done tho :wink:


Gee thanks for the help guys I don't know what I'd do without you.


Help with what! You didnt ask a question, you just made a bunch of statements about your situation and what you are doing...so wtf did you need help with again? I don't agree with aaron being the usual piece of shit he is on the internet....but don't act like there is a problem with the people on this site not helping you when you dont need help or even ask a damn question.


Gee thanks for the help guys I don't know what I'd do without you.


Help with what! You didnt ask a question, you just made a bunch of statements about your situation and what you are doing...so wtf did you need help with again? I don't agree with aaron being the usual piece of shit he is on the internet....but don't act like there is a problem with the people on this site not helping you when you dont need help or even ask a damn question.




he said his head was cracked, and that he wasn going to fix the engine...but rather swap in a 3800. Simple answers, he is swapping in a 3800.


he could still change out the head, and sell the motor after he swaps in the 3800, and make a buck


who care what car it really is all are cars are slow remember that.shit my 97 cut runs o-60 in like 9.5 or somthin and it shuts off at 110.i bought it cause it looks nice.

ok, so your car is slow...but not everyone has a slow car here (at least not that slow).


Talkin bout me again ben??? :lol: :lol: :lol:




9.5 is definately not fast, thats bad, real bad. ah well, its a cutty so at least it does look cool.


Aaron, sit down. I would whoop you at the track, so I certainly wasn't talking about you.

Aaron, sit down. I would whoop you at the track, so I certainly wasn't talking about you.


we will see....


Come to the 60V6 meet next year aaron, there are plenty of us that want to race you and get video of it.

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