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On the tensioner, do i pull up or push down to adjust the serpentine belt? The damn belt keeps slipping to the very end of the pulley. Is this a bad pulley? or was the belt just not seated right?


By the way, wat tool can I use to really make life eaiser on me?


Sounds to me like the belt wasn't seated correctly, also do you have an idler pulley? If so check that the pulley is turning freely, if it starts to seize up, that can throw the belt off also. But if not, and you get it seated properly, it should stay on no problem.


my 2.8 is up to loosen. i read that they are self adjusting as the belt wears


but im not sure on the 3.4


pull up to release. I bought some long tool that is for this at AutoZone. It looks like an extended rachet(<---spelling?).


wat tool can be used though? I forgot wat tool i used to install the FFP pulley and readjust the serpentine belt. THe ratchet does not fit in that confined area...



*edit* WHY in God's name is the bolt unscrewing?? I pulled up and the bolt on the tensioner loosened :shock:

On the tensioner, do i pull up or push down to adjust the serpentine belt?


First, there is no adjustment... that's what the tensioner is for.

But to loosen the belt, you push down on the tensioner.


wat tool can be used though? I forgot wat tool i used to install the FFP pulley and readjust the serpentine belt.


Use a 14mm or 15mm (whatever size, can't remember hand) open side wrench.

Not that much torque is needed to give the serpentine belt much slack.


- Erik


when i meant adjust i meant readjust cuz the belt is slipping off the tensioner...its about 1/2 way off! :shock: Bad tensioner?

when i meant adjust i meant readjust cuz the belt is slipping off the tensioner...its about 1/2 way off! :shock: Bad tensioner?


Half-way? :shock: Yeesh!

Is the tensioner firmly bolted to the block?

If it is, and still a problem, I would say a new one is in order.


- Erik


i use a 19mm(?) wrench, it is DOWN to lossen tensioner, by going up you just loosen the bolt.


To adjust the serpentine belt, you must turn the tensioner counter-clockwise. BTW, check to make sure that the tensioner bold is not loose.

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