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Help. 3.4 DOHC oil leak

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Ok, have intake out, figured I'd fix the distributor I ring leak. Looks like I have to remove the head to get it out??? Any tips, tricks? Help? I don't want to remove head unless I have to, how big job is it???


Ken has filed down the corner before. even took pics of it, though actually finding them is kind of difficult since i don't remember the name of the thread.


Saar , can't believe how quick you responded. So probably filed off bottom side of head or literally the corner?


I cut off a peice from the head the metal that over hangs. I only lost one or two threads. I still cut the top of the Oil drive pump in one section. Then you can pop it up and turn it around enough to get the old gasket off and then slide the new one on. I boiled my gasket in water to warm them up a bit.

I would do a double gasket on this. Something like a paper one and then cut it and put RTV on the spot you cut it. Then slam her on down and put more RTV on the top. Shouldn't leak for a long while.


I used quick steel epoxi to glue it shut. I had tried rtv in the past and it never lasted. Glue it shut and never worry about it again


RTV with double gaskets is a pretty good way to go. If you glue it shut forever it probably would never leak again.


I cut out a little of the tab, and the plug but still doesn't seem to lift out far enough


So you are able to remove the plug or raise it just enough to get the paper gasket under?


Think just raising it enough to put the seal on. Cutting a paper gasket and putting it around it also

and then running sealer around it.

I did a couple by lifting it, cleaning the shit out of it and blowing sealer around it.


You are only able to raise the plug enough to get the rubber and paper gaskets on. I needed a second set of hands to pull the plug up and hold it while I slipped the rubber one on after that the rest was a breeze.


What do you have removed from the top of the engine? I pulled the UIM and LIM along with the rear cam cover.


I read in an old thread about this and the guy recommended permatex # 2 and you only had to raise the plug out enough to get an applicator under the lip, then I think you can turn the plug so you can get all around it. Might be worth a try. I know if I had to do the job again its what I`d do on my 3100 so I wouldn`t have to mess with the coolant fitting.


Yeah, those coolant fittings are a pain sometimes. That plug spins all the way around so you have access to all sides.


Just buy a distributor gasket for a 3.1 Lumina van or small block chevy and cut it, slather it in black RTV and slide it under, tighten and be done. Don't have to cut a thing.


I had the LIM /UIM off. Still couldnt get the plug raised enough to get the o ring on, so I got the paper gasket in. Hopefully this will be good.


WELL HERE IT IS. Before and after. I need to change the oil, yet just to make sure i didn't get any crap in the engine.









wish i wouldn't have cut anything, i'm so nervous about ending up getting any metal shavings in engine. After shaving the end I noticed I didn't have the distributor plug bolt in. I really hope nothing got in there. Might be looking at engine rebuild in 4 months

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