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95 grand prix 3.1 v6 shifts hard from 1st to 2nd, not as hard from 2nd to 3rd, smooth from 3rd to 4th. Rarely does it not shift hard. The car grumbles like crazy and jerks around til i give it a lot of gas. Ive noticed that when it shifts like this, the rpms drop below 1000, so its reminding me of teaching my sis-in-laws to drive stick and they shift too soon. PRND321, i can shift the car manually in order of 123D, and absolutely no problems, no grumbling or jerking ever. Once in a blue moon, im taking off and it gets up to 15-25 mph and it doesnt want to go faster so i give it more gas until my foot is practically on the floor without rpms or speed going up at all. After a few seconds my car suddenly realizes what im doing then ZOOOOMMM and i take off from the slow speed like a bat outta hell. Kinda scary when im getting onto the highway, but gotta do what i gotta do. My brother bought the car in jan 2012 at 133,000 with it doing this, then it was passed to my mother, then me. Ive put about 10,000 on myself and its at 147,000 now. Problem has never gotten worse since the car has been in the family and its apr 2013 now. Is it a sensor or modulator, etc? Dont think its the transmission itself since the problem hasnt gotten worse and it shifts perfectly when i control when it shifts. It just shifts too soon on its own it seems.


i'd do a pan drop/fluid change and check out the 1-2 and 2-3 accumulators while you're down there.

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