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What are your thoughts on the Lucas engine oil additives, have any of you guys used it before? Is it a good or bad idea?!


If you use a good oil, and change it when your suppose to, you don't need any oil additive.



Sent from my iPhone in some random spot of Texas.


alright thank you, I was just wondering if it was worth a shit or not haha!


i used it with the oil i have now and it really helped keep my oil pressure normal once it heated up but i don't know if i will continue using it as i have heard air gets trapped in it causing it to foam under high pressure, but i'm still on the fence of how i feel about it.

i used it with the oil i have now and it really helped keep my oil pressure normal once it heated up


gear oil will do that. :lol:


if you have issues with oil pressure when hot, just switch to a thicker grade of oil (-40 vs -30) or use a "high mileage" version of the oil weight you have now, they're typically closer to the thick end of the oil grade.


EDIT: what kind of pressure are you seeing, at a hot idle?


lucas oil additive is garbage. Oil analysis proved it was basically crude gear oil Use higher quality oil instead.


Saar? you always have the reference materials on hand....


If you have $$$$ for brains you could use royal purple which is synthetic, or do what I do, which is use Supertech synthetic, which oil analysis has evaluated to be indistinguishably the same oil...

lucas oil additive is garbage. Oil analysis proved it was basically crude gear oil Use higher quality oil instead.


Saar? you always have the reference materials on hand....


If you have $$$$ for brains you could use royal purple which is synthetic, or do what I do, which is use Supertech synthetic, which oil analysis has evaluated to be indistinguishably the same oil...


The oil analysis was for original HD Oil Stabalizer, not synthetic.


synthetic gear oil. :lol:


in any case, what in oil needs "stabilizing" that isn't already done via a highly engineered API SN oil formulation?

The oil analysis was for original HD Oil Stabalizer, not synthetic.


Oh? I stand corrected! Lucas Synthetic Gear Oil is sythesized crude gear oil. Still should never be in your engine.


I'd like to see a test done on synthetic, it isn't the same stuff.


Regardless, will it harm the engine? Absolutely not.

Is it worth putting in? Ehh, probably not.


So what it looks like here, is that many of you guys don't seem to like it lol :lol:


All it is, is just a really expensive bottle of gear oil.

gear oil will do that. :lol:


if you have issues with oil pressure when hot, just switch to a thicker grade of oil (-40 vs -30) or use a "high mileage" version of the oil weight you have now, they're typically closer to the thick end of the oil grade.


EDIT: what kind of pressure are you seeing, at a hot idle?

i use castrol gtx 5w-30 and the cruise i went on that i posted pics of last summer around 2+ hours the pressure was around 10 or 15 psi on my auto meter gauge and darn near in the red on the gauge in the dash now on a cold start the psi starts around 50 psi and gets down around 30 or 35 i think


10-15PSI at a hot idle is 100% normal and expected of a worn-in gen2 60V6. unless your lifters started making noise, it's nothing to worry about.

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