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98 prix gt 3800 Bogs on Wot in warmer weather

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Hey guys picked up a explorer for my wife so I now have my 98 gt Back as my DD now its been pretty warm the past few days and Ive noticed once the engine starts getting up to temp It will bog pretty bad on take off and does so for a few seconds and then cleans right up and scoots right along.


plugs and wires are new IAC looked clean as did the throttlebody injectors are newer fuel pressure looks good.


dirty maf maybe? I do have a fenderwell intake on it with a k&n conefilter.


Any Ideas? -Edit * No SES and idles fine



Edited by EGTGP
could be a dirty MAF. You didnt over oil that K&N did ya?


meh was that way out of the package. haven't done a cleaning on it yet.


but yeah checked the map sensor it came off in 2 pieces... post-7290-143689126663_thumb.jpgDidn't use any force at all to get it off soon as I unclipped the top it came right apart..


and the maf wires were caked with oil.( no pic ) so I hit them with some throttlebody cleaner from a good distance away so as not to damage them. picked up a map from the local yard for 5 beans and she runs perfect now.


Knock on wood.. Im surprised My wife never mentioned that the car was a nutless bastard when it got warm out.





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