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Hi all! I just recently drove 2200 miles round trip to pick up my 95 cutlass. I live in jefferson city missouri and bought the car off ebay in baltimore maryland for a mere 629.99!! it only has 106k original miles, but it has sat on a repo/impound lot for 8 years!!! with the back window busted out. yea! the back window was busted out for all this time. needless to say I have a huge mold/mildew problem (gross) I have since stripped the trunk interior out-down to bare metal! I have also taken the interior totally out from the carpet to the dash! the carpet was absolutely rotten along with the back seats. what kills me is that the front seats were in really nice condition but the mildew/mold has gotten them anyway. So are there any companies that remake the carpet for our cars? also as far as replacing the interior can I get a donor hardtop car and swap it? what does and doesnt cross?






Nice find, My favorite color choice on the vert.


Looks like you have a nice project car. There is a lot of information on this site about these cars. You sure didn't waste any time taking it apart.


Welcome to the forums! Hope you get that Cutty back in shape! Also nice to see some more Missouri people finding their way here!


Hey, welcome! Good pickup for the price, I had noticed that car on ebay but have too many cars already! I think you'll find that what won't swap over from a coupe will be cleanable parts - like the a-pillars, roll bar cover, and rear side panels. I think the back seat is different though so you may have to get that re-upholstered. Carpet would probably swap over as well if you can find a nice enough junker coupe. Good luck with the project!


thanks for all the comments!!! re-upholstery is not an option... those seats were soo rotten they litterally had algae or maybe a really thick green mold growing on them and the seatbelt buckles!!! it was by far the worst I had seen! I was unbolting and just tossing stuff outside of the garage! so the backseat is different in the coupes? they look soo similar... and all the websites I find in regards to the carpet says that they can supply me with carpet for a hardtop but they all say that it will not fit in a convertible... what???? how different are they? why wont they fit?


also with regard to all the panels, they were all perfect, so I am planning on a bleach/soap solution to wash them all down and re-install.


Coupe carpet will fit. I've done it. Rear seat will fit but what you find for leather is the split/folding rear seat.

Standard rear bench is cloth except Vert but don't quote me on that. It's just I've never seen the standard

rear bench (upper half) in leather for the 95-97 interior except in a Vert.

BTW, I'm not too far from you. Let me know if you need parts. I've probably got it. I have a green/tan Vert

parts car but don't think I have much for good tan interior stuff. I know the rear bottom was trash but I'd

have to look in storage to see if I kept the upper portion and what condition it's in.


Welcome! Looks like you have quite the project car, I can't wait to see the end result, will look great being completed. And sitting on a repo lot for 8 years is crazy!


You've got your work cut out for ya! Does it run? If not, what does it need to be drivable?


thanks 95 vert!!! that is some of the best news I have had in a long time!!! also any parts that you would be willing to sell me I would be interested in buying, my wife has a serious allergy to mold/mildew so the original stuff is probably not gonna work... so any tan panels and such that you might have or anything would be much appreciated!

the listing on e-bay said that the car didnt run. I bought it sight unseen and knowing that it didnt run, I got it home and put a charger to the battery and after it charged I tried to fire it up and nothing... no clicks from the starter or anything... so after further investigation I found that the alarm system brain box had fried and was keeping the starter from engaging. so once I removed the carcass from the alarm and put some gas in it, it fired right up... didnt run good, but it ran. 106k miles. woohoo!!!


I've seen a sedan lately with leather but without fold down lately, but don't remember seeing a coupe. I'm sure if it were available in a sedan, then it would be in a coupe.

thanks 95 vert!!! that is some of the best news I have had in a long time!!! also any parts that you would be willing to sell me I would be interested in buying, my wife has a serious allergy to mold/mildew so the original stuff is probably not gonna work... so any tan panels and such that you might have or anything would be much appreciated!

the listing on e-bay said that the car didnt run. I bought it sight unseen and knowing that it didnt run, I got it home and put a charger to the battery and after it charged I tried to fire it up and nothing... no clicks from the starter or anything... so after further investigation I found that the alarm system brain box had fried and was keeping the starter from engaging. so once I removed the carcass from the alarm and put some gas in it, it fired right up... didnt run good, but it ran. 106k miles. woohoo!!!


I love easy fixes!

  • 3 months later...
post-8221-143689134479_thumb.jpgok guys so I guess it is time for an update, well here it is! I have been plugging away at my 95 and have got the engine totally done. I replaced all the seals gaskets and filters. the injectors are new along with the fuel rail and fuel pressure regulator. I also dropped the fuel tank and cleaned out the old gas. I have some problems though... I cant get it to start up! driving me nuts!!!! here is the kicker, I spray some starting fluid in it and it will kick over and sputter like it wants to start but wont stay running. so I took a stethoscope (I am an emt) and put it on the gas tank, didn't hear anything. Fuel pump right??? to test this I bought a fuel injection pump test kit hooked it up and at the rail I am getting about 30 psi during cranking. so is it still the fuel pump? when you put the key in your ignition and turn it to the on position (not starting) do you hear your fuel pump? here are some pics... check out what I did to my fuel tank!




hi not sure what you have or dont have. i have the backseats in your color good shape too. a coupe carpet does fit i have one in mine and so does a coupe back seat. (it just get a little scrunched up) I put the fold down with the rear pass into mine. i have a thread on here somewhere showing pics

  • 2 weeks later...

so I have it all fixed now. I thought I would let everyone know that it was my main engine computer was bad. I purchased one off of ebay and it arrived today. I installed it hit the key and she fired right up!!! now she runs great!!!!!:dance:


thanks for the advice swift! I actually have already sourced those parts from another member in black. I plan on making the car a triple black seeing as my exterior and interior combination is like the most common ever! plus triple black is soo much nicer! imho.:thumbsup:

  • 2 months later...

The other day I found a convert like yours in a junk yard in NC. I had tan leather rear seats. they were in very good condition. The headliner

was also in great condition

It was a complete car and 75k miles.


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