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Steering wheel control interface

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I bought this: http://peripheralelectronics.com/periph_products/Instructions/PESWIECL.pdf


That company is now PAC, and the wiring is the same as the SWI-ECL2. I have an Eclipse CD8443.


I have the black wire from the interface connected to the hu ground and the red wire for the interface connected to the hu ignition power. I red that for Pontiac I need to use the green wire on the interface, but I don't understand what I hook that up to. I also don't understand where I hook up the brown and white wires from the other end of the interface to.


Also, according to Crutchfield, the plug adapter for my factory wiring is the same as the one I had in my previous car (1999 Grand Am) but that car didn't have steering wheel controls so would that still be correct?


FYI: I have not taken apart the dash or removed my factory radio yet, I'm trying to figure out the wiring and get as much of it done as I can first since I have a very small cold garage with poor lighting.


Thanks for your help!


Nevermind, I figured out that my car stereo don't have the remote wires for it to work so I bought a new stereo. Just waiting for it to arrive :)


OK, Now that I got my new radio I still have a question on the wiring...


On http://www.pac-audio.com/SWI/SWIAppGuidePrinterFriendly.aspx?appguideid=53&swiModel=Grand%20Prix&swiYear=1996&swiMake=Pontiac&swiProduct=Select%20Product&swiRadioManu=Eclipse&swiOptions=All%20models%20with%2021%20pin%20connector%20and%20air%20bag%20but%20without%20Temp%20controls%20on%20steering%20wheel it says "Connect the Select Product's Green wire to Pin 13 or 14 (Dk. Blue, Lt. Green or Violet/Black) of the above connector." but that is for a 1996. Mine is a 1995 and there's no directions for a 1995.


Is the wiring for the 1995 and 1996 the same?

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