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Serious Coolant Leak, Please give any advice.

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Okay guys I dont know where the hell it is coming from exactly but its on the driver side. It is BAD! There is no water in my oil so I dont think its my headgaskets. I took off the cover that said 3.4 litre and looked right behind the tstat housing and I seen coolant. Its not the tstat housing though. It is just pouring out of my car onto the driveway. Anyone have Ideas? Its hard to explain where its at. Its not the freeze plugs either. I dont have batteries or I would take a picture of it. Any help would be appreciated.


Also if there is anyone in michigan in the Detroit area that knows of a garage that will give a free estimate that would be cool.


Maybe it's the coolant o-ring between the plenum and lower manifold?


It's hard to say, pictures would help, so get some batteries! :)


Hmmmm, that may be it actually... yes I do need pics to show but I dont have a car to go get batteries :lol: Is that near the tstat housing?


It also could be where the coolant line goes into the lower intake, near the T-stat. Its a quick-connect fitting, that is notorious of breaking, since GM made it out of pot metal


Very close to it.


If the o-ring is the problem, it's not that hard a fix. Just buy a new plenum gasket and o-ring, pull off the plenum, and just swap in the new o-ring and intake gasket, put everything back together and away you go.


Actually I wont get to it until Sunday. Ill update you guys with pics then, and may need some more help.


hey tef if you need help i live 5 mins away, i can come over and help u do it. i've done it 10 times. and i can bring tools to. i have everything. let me know though


my guess is on that heater line. I think GM redesigned it (the nipple), cause mine was leaking, I bought the nipple from the dealer and it is slightly different/looks a little better.


Mine is leaking there, not bad but its dripping right on the exhaust crossover pipe cause steam and smell.........I plan to just remove the quick connect put in a hose barb and use a 2' piece of silicone heater hose up the metal pipe w/ the bleeder


I pulled of the air duct to look at it and found a bracket the supports the metal pipe in the quick connect fitting, and it was missing the screw so some idiot didnt put it back in and its been moving around for the last 30 thousand miles...thats okay its a mickey mouse set up, i trust up more to a worm drive clapm than a plastic clip when im in the middle of no where on the highway, Dang i just did a 1500 mile trip with it too, lucky :shock:


Well since its about 20 degrees out I just dumped 3 bottles of the aluminum coolant stop leak stuff. I forgot the name of it. It hasnt leaked in the 100 miles I drove it so far. When it gets a little warmer Ill tear it down but with no garage that is out of the question right now.


I wouldn't recommend that stuff either.


What I did for a 'quick fix' (it went on me while driving) before getting the nipple replaced was connect it and put a crapload of rtv around the outside. It held for quite a while before I replaced it. I dont think that line has that much pressure and it worked.

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