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Need Help on 95-96 Grand Prix dash removal

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Can anyone please help on how you remove a dash from a 95-96 Grand Prix?

Like where all the bolts are that hold in place, because I have to remove the

AC blower box. When I purchased the car the blower motor was going out so

they just kicked it and smashed it, now I have to replace the whole AC system

behind the dash pad. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Robert


if I'm not mistaken, take the cluster bezel out, two screws by the cluster, one in the glovebox. There's a hole in the glovebox allowing access to that screw, need an extension. This is assuming it's the same as the earlier GPs (read: my 92 that I've torn apart twice in the last week)


Theres bolts along the windshield under the trim piece there and bolts on the bottom of the dash right by the doors also


Ok, Thanks alot guys,I am going out tomorrow to a pull your own parts yard to try and pull a dash pad out....Thanks Robert


Ok I took all the bolts out by the windshield and the bottom bolts behind the trim like a 15mm nuts on both sides of the bottom of dash even removed the steering column and 13mm nuts behind the fuse box and same location on driver side and the dash just won't come out!! any other nuts or bolts holding it in?????

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