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HUD issues PT. 2

Nas Escobar

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I've made a thread about this before. At first, I thought my HUD didn't work because it would only glow green sometimes and then disappear. Turns out that the mirror was not adjusted right. After tinkering around in my car, I found out that the HUD itself was good, but the real defective piece is the cable that moves the tab up and down to push the mirror.


Anyways, I jerry rigged it to stay at a certain position, but I would like to be able to move the tab with the knob on the center console.


My question is: Has anyone had this issue, or what should I do in order to fix the cable to be able to push the tab around? I inspected it and my guess would be that it is stuck. I can push the tab manually without the HUD on, and then push the tab down with the adjustor in the center console, but it will not go back up if I even move it a millimeter.

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I had this issue when I put in my HUD. Everything is working fine you're just not getting the cable head onto the lever in the HUD. It's tricky because the hud part wants to spring in one direction (away from you IIRC) but it needs to be in the complete opposite direction (so towards you, IIRC) for the cable to catch it correctly. I can't remember exactly how I got it to catch but it was something like this - adjust the hud control so the cable so it's at it's longest (I think that means put the control handle all the way up), then use a paper clip, or something long and skinny, from the right side, to hold the lever in the towards you position (opposite the way the spring want to pull it in) as you lower the hud into place on the dash. It's one of those things where it would be helpful to have a third hand!


hope this helps, I did mine last summer and can't remember at this point whether I was pushing or pulling! I do Think I remember trying to pull that lever towards me when dropping the hud in place. I could have it backwards but I know it had to be held opposite of where the spring lever wanted to be.

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There is actually a catch on the cable assembly that will hold it in place. The book says when installing the HUD unit to move the cable all the way up and the end at the hud will go up and over a plastic catch. Its a pain, and you'll think you're going to break it, but it will hold it there. Then, once you get the hud in, move the cable down, it will take a good bit of tension to pull the cable out of the catch, and then you're all set.

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good info, but i used a piece of dental floss last time I did this. Easy to hold, easy to pull out once it is all bolted down ;)


Ken, That's genius. So many times I fought that too while trying to install my HUD.

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There is actually a catch on the cable assembly that will hold it in place. The book says when installing the HUD unit to move the cable all the way up and the end at the hud will go up and over a plastic catch. Its a pain, and you'll think you're going to break it, but it will hold it there. Then, once you get the hud in, move the cable down, it will take a good bit of tension to pull the cable out of the catch, and then you're all set.


All the way up is pushing it towards the windshield right? Because if I push the lever on the bracket up along with the knob on the center console, it goes up, but if I move the lever down (towards the steering wheel), the piece on the bracket doesn't move at all.


Anyways, which part do I move with the paper clip or floss? The piece on the HUD or the piece on the bracket? Because I thought the clip on the bracket had to be in the lowest position possible for it to go in the hole.

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The bracket should be mounted in the dash first, then the cable head clips onto it, then the hud control lever (in the cubby) should be pushed all the way up, then wrap the dental floss around the spring-loaded lever on the bottom of the hud (that directly controls the mirror) and pull it towards you while you drop the hud down onto the bracket.

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Should the clip on the bracket be pushed towards the windshield when I push the control lever on the center console to up? Or do I not touch that at all?

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But that's the thing.... the control lever doesn't do jack in my car. That's the way I bought it. That's what I'm really trying to figure out... which way is "UP" and which way is "Down". I assume the p.o. took the HUD console off when they took out the dash to attempt to fix the warpage; which I had to fix by screwing the dash in. Not pretty but rather have screws that are only visible from the outside than having the dash look like trash. I can move the control lever all day and it won't move the clip under the HUD at all. I'm assuming they messed up the HUD and now I'm stuck with a HUD I can't figure out how those clips go. I ASSUMED the bottom clip simply goes in the hole and pushes the lever on the HUD "up", but if I have to set the lever to "up" before I place the HUD, then I'm interpreting this whole situation as "up" being the mirror all the way down to the point you can't see anything on the dash and "down" being all the way high up the windshield...

Edited by Nas Escobar
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ok, I had recollected a couple of things backwards so I dug out my spare parts and here's the definitive answer with pics. First test that your cable is actually working. slide the hud control adjustment (in the sport pod by the gearshift) up and down and verify that the cable head within the clip moves. Then set the HUD control adjustment in the down position, you should be able to see the cable head in the clip in the bracket as shown in this pic.




The springy lever attached to the display unit wants to spring towards you, you have to pull it back against the force of the spring which is towards the front of the car. This is where the dental floss comes in. Tape one end to the top of the hud, Loop it around the lever, pull it tight so the spring compresses, then tape the second end onto the top of the hud. Should look like these 2 pics:







Now, carefully set the hud display unit down onto the bracket. Screw it into place securely, then pull the tape off and pull the floss out. It should be adjustable now.

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Ok, so I confirmed, the cable is definitely bad. I did this exactly how it was described, yet the clip on the bracket won't push the clip on the HUD. I took the hud off again and played with the clip on the bracket, and I saw, I can push it up with my finger, bring it down with the control unit, but can't push it back up, even if I push it down a notch.


I tied floss to the clip on the HUD to keep it set where I use it 75% of the time... not convenient but at least I have a working HUD.

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If it's because the cable has stretched too long and won't pull that little plastic thing far enough, I think what I ended up doing was popping out that little ball and putting it in front of where it snaps in. The tab on the HUD keeps the ball down in place.

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The tab I was talking about is the triangular shaped one on the movable part of the HUD unit itself.


EDIT: Added a drawing of what I'm talking about. Sorry, I suck at art, so I hope it makes sense. This fixed my cable issues.


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  • 3 weeks later...

You're welcome! Wish I could take credit for it but that was Crazy K's genius idea, I just snapped the pics. lol, glad it worked out for you!

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Well Thanks to both of you! The installation trick worked slicker than snot on a door knob and so does the HUD. It has a bit of a shadow, but that is most likely due to the windshield unless there is a way to focus the HUD that I am unaware of.

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