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Grand Prix GXP 5.3 coolant leak

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Ok so as soon as i pull into work im seeing a little smoke rising from under my hood and drops of antifreeze on the ground. It seems to be coming from the passenger side although i cant confirm it. I do know that it only leaks when it builds up pressure as I started it stone cold and it wasnt leaking. not to familiar with the cooling on this motor to know where all the hoses are at but as i said it seems to be coming from the passenger side. What hoses are on the passenger side? any info would be great. Thanks


Depending on where exactly it could be, radiator hose, thermostat housing, water pump, or somewhere on the radiator. Top it off and get it warm to see if you can get it to leak. It's hard to see in the engine compartment on those, but any more info would certainly help pinpoint it.


You might want to jack it up and remove the wheel to get a better look. I`d hope that the LS4 wouldn`t have the bad rep for gaskets like the V6s do but it is a general motors product:lol:

You got any pics?


I just found out today that its my waterpump thats leaking. Thank god it happened now and not when my warranty expires in 50 miles lol. just gotta pay for the tow bill, which is about as much as the pump.


That works out well. The water pump isn't much fun on the GXP's. I would gladly let someone else do it under warranty.


The funny thing with the water pump is that it didnt make any noise before this happened and i even asked them if it was just the gasket, and of course they said no so i told them to put the "bad "pump in my car. Got it back today and checked out the pump and theres no bearing play at all, spins nice and smooth, so all it needed was a $13.00 water pump gasket instead of a $160 water pump. Oh well I got the pump for free the way i look at it.


Thats good. I have seen water pumps starting leaking out the weep hole without making any noise like they were going out. Glad to hear yours was an easier fix.

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