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90 Grand Prix LE Lost motor and lights while driving, now wont start.

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Picked up a beater 1992 Grand Prix LE 3.1 4 speed auto 180+k for cheap a couple weeks ago, its been fairly smooth sailing until this morning. I was driving my gf up to work when the motor started cutting out, every time it did the headlights and dash lights would go out too, this continued for about 10 secs before it completely conked out. Tried starting it a few times but it simply cranks with no hint of catching. Got it towed back home and looked over all of the fuses inside and out, they are good. So as it sits I cannot turn on the headlights and it wont start. I have a feeling that is somehow connected. The battery is less than a day old, alt is putting out good power and all other interior lighting/radio works just fine. Im completely lost at this point, anyone deal with anything similar?


Check the Auxiliary post next to the battery, sometimes the nut on that works loose and causes all sorts of off havoc.


Oh god... I dug back down to the battery to discover that when the previous owner replaced the terminals he didnt fully tighten the positive where the wires go in, the main wire leading to the aux post came completely out :roll:. So thats all good now, thanks for the help too bad I dropped $60 on that tow :mad:.


just because the battery terminal was loose shouldn't make the motor die. unless the car was relying on battery power in order to stay running.


you may find that the problem keeps coming back until the throttle follower is tuned.

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