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Cutlass Headlight Covers



So, I know there has been some interest recently on how to make a set of headlight covers for a Cutlass. I know this has been done before and is nothing new, but no one has really put together a really good right up on how to do this. I figured I would give it a shot and get some of the info out there in one thread. Instead of several threads.



I did purchase a few thing to get this project going. A 2'x3' piece of plexiglass. A circular saw blade for plexiglass. It made for cutting the glass very easy on my table saw. The plexiglass blade has much finer teeth and won't chip the edges along your cut. Then I also bought some plastic bond epoxy from the hardware store.



I picked up an extra set of headlight surrounds for a CS at the junkyard a while back for this project. That way I could always switch back if I wanted too.






The first thing I did was use sand paper along the points of contact on the black headlight surrounds where I wanted to put the glue. This way I would be sure to get the glue to bit down good and stick better.





I grabbed a piece of cardboard and made a template of the headlight surround. That is what I put down on my plexiglass and traced it out with a sharpie. From there I proceeded to cut out the piece of glass with the table saw.






After my glass was cut out. I sanded down all of the edges to get them nice and smooth with wet sand paper. Next I used a heavy grit on the inside of the plexiglass to scratch up the surface where I wanted the glue to be applied.






After the glue was applied I clamped it down and set two books on top of the piece so it was weighted down. Any glue that got onto the back of the glass I cleaned up with a hot damp rag.



My next step will be to apply the VHT Nitshade to the plexiglass after the glue cures. That will be my finished product.


Here is a couple of pictures of just the plexiglass glued to the headlight surround. I have completed both of these. The glue recommends 24 hours before being handled. After that I will tint. Then I'll need to get some pictures of them on the car. :D I hope this helps someone.







Edited by 94 olds vert

Those may look interesting! Your going to have to post a couple pics once they are installed.

Buy one get one free Beggin strips!!! :willynilly:


i've eaten much worse before....




on-topic: i may have to do this for the 91.... way to many stones on the roads around here, would have to replace the lenses constantly without it. definitely need a fast-ish way to remove when necessary though.


I've always thought about something like this on a Prix... I know they make covers, but they're flush, and I kinda think it looks tacky. Cool, in a way, but I was never fully sold on the looks. Maybe something similar, just set in so that you can still see the housing...



/thinking out loud


I have three broken headlights on the GP since before I got it. damn rocks! I'd like them to be slightly recessed, but not totally.


seems like something to do with one of my spare sets of bezels


I wet sanded these down with 2000 grit paper and put some dish soap in the water to cut the grease from my fingers.







I put down 3 coats of Niteshade and 3 coats of clear.




After this dries. I will wet sand with 2000 and by hand buff it out with a rubbing compound.


Will do. Depends on what angle I look at these. One angle makes them looked blacked out and the other you can see through them. As soon as I have time I will get them on the car and post up some pictures.




How about window screen installed under the headlight rings? It would spread an impact, darken the appearance of the bulb, but (possibly) wouldn't cut light output too much...Metal screen would be rather hard to form, but could be bent sufficiently to wrap well around the light...but fiberglass would be easier to work..but less resistant to impact.


hmm..... three mini-covers, one for each lens?

This is my other idea I may try next on another set of headlight covers I have. What Robbert said cover each light individually, instead of the unit as a whole.




They look good...but overall, the idea of a smooth one-piece sounds better than 3 individual pieces..but you could always just use velcro on 3 individuals


I had something like that once but the thing is when they are that close they will heat up pretty good and it might warp the material or adhesive. I had just the plastic tinted green from some strobe light inserts and it did look cool with the color my car is. Better off nightshading the glass lenses than the individual pieces. That solid pieces looks good:thumbsup: Kindof like sunglasses once there on.


I much prefer the solid piece. I agree that the heat of the headlight would probably melt the plexi glass.


Well, the top of the plexiglass is open...so that should help a good bit with heat...though water and dirt getting behind them could be a bit of a problem for cleaning...

I much prefer the solid piece. I agree that the heat of the headlight would probably melt the plexi glass.

I was thinking of running a piece of weather stripping along the inside edge of the hood to prevent dirt and water from getting inside.


You don't. I either take them off before I drive at night, or don't even bother to drive the car at night. I guess it depends on how much light output is reduced. I always have the fogs.


I know when I'd forget to take the headlight covers off of my Grand Prix and try to drive at night it was terrible. Thank goodness I only had to go about 2 miles and I was home. I used to get lazy at my G/F parents house and wouldn't want to pop the hood and take them off. :lol:


A much needed update to what everyone wants to see. That is to see these on the car. My cutty is in storage and it isn't close for me. Today I was near by and remembered to take the covers with me and slapped them on. I didn't have a battery on hand to turn the lights on.











futuristic.... in a 90s sort of way.


being a design of the 90s, i'd say it works pretty well then.


It does give the car a really clean look up front and these covers look great on a white car. Really pops.

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