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Hey guys its been a while, well my gtp pooped a transmission, less than a month after i fixed the timing chain that broke,in the gtp. So im a bit pissed and it motivated me to get my cutlass moving. Well she is! Passed cali smog with three year old fuel. Anyhow the starter has all but come apart.


does anyone have a write up for changing the starter in a 1990 supreme international with a 3.1?


also, she needs new oil, i have only ran redline in it. What do you guys use as i an a little tight on cash at the moment and $15 a quart is too much lol. I know the 23 year old motor might want something with older style conditioners in it.




redline is some good oil, but god-awful expensive.... pretty much any good 5W-30 or 0W-30 will be more than sufficient for a 3.1 unless it's gotten really sloppy(which i don't see happening with reasonable oil change intervals with redline), in which case a high mileage 0 or 5W-30 would be a good choice, if not moving up to a non high-mileage 0W-40 / 5W-40.


the starter should be relatively straightforward, here's the alldata rundown:




i seem to remember the A/C and trans cooler lines were a pain to work around. if i were to do it all again, i'd get one of the newest style PMGR 60V6 starters from an ~02-up 3x00, much smaller, pulls less current, delivers more torque and somehow more reliable.


Hey thanks for the alldata. The car has just under 153k original motor. I usually run 10w-30 in it.


Grab a new starter for an 04 Impala 3400 engine or get one from a junkyard, its got more cranking torque and is smaller/lighter and easier to reinstall into the car


Just wanted to add that if you R&R the starter, do it while you do the oil change. There is enough room to wiggle the big original one out of the way with the oil filter off. It should just slip by the AC lines with enough room.


Got the starter out, that wasnt my issue, i only had one flex plate bolt left and i was able to remove it with my fingers, no tools required, the other two bolts are MIA. So i will be ordering some. Thanks for the tips on the newer starters


flexplate to torque converter says 46-52 lb-ft. i'd use a thread locker as well.


Wow thats it? No wonder they backed out, i had the trans rebuilt at 121k its at 152 and change


apparently GM had no idea what they were doing... seems to change almost every year with the same engine/trans combo. highest i've seen so far is 61. definitely run a threadlocker, they PROBABLY did from the factory, but i can't confirm.

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