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Sometimes, turn key, absolutely nothing

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Sometimes, not all the time, my car will run fine until i shut it off, get back in, turn the key, and nothing. Just a click from what sounds like the fuse box from under the hood. It happened the other day when I was going to work. After some time, it eventually started. Anybody have/had this problem? Or know what I should wanna check out?


I've had trouble similar to that with only hearing a click and not starting. My vats key system was not sensing properly it was dirty, I sprayed some electric parts cleaner in the ignition key tumbler and never had another problem. It would sometimes take 2 and 3 times to get it started.


Could be:


- Starter

- Battery connection loose

- Positive post nut loose

- VATS as described above


i've had the issue before.... was the VATS system or it's starter disable relay, i don't remember which. i bypass both at the same time, no more issues.


Sounds to me like the starter relay is worn out. I had the same problem with a Mitsubishi 3000GT.


Is your "security" light on in the cluster? I'm also betting it is a VATS issue.


I've had issues with what I've presumed was the security system - vehicle did not even attempt to crank but was fine 5 minutes later(has happened a handful of times over the years).


The clicking is more commonly a bad starter, weak or failing alternator/battery(jump start will get the car running but it probably wouldn't start on it's own the next time), or bad power/ground.


If the starter is seized up, you can have someone tap on it with a hammer to get it to break free. This will at least get you home/to the shop if it leaves you stranded, but won't fix the problem.


My car has been doing this for three years now, replaced starter, alt tested fine, I bypassed the VATS and still had trouble. After enabling it I've rarely had VATS issues, where I have to relearn/reset it. Gonna try all listed here, its really annoying. Its never not started though.


Perhaps your ignition switch might be another culprit. It has a number of wires going to it and if one of the connections is flaky, I could see it causing something like this. Electronics are FUN! :D


i had the same issue with my 94 and i figured it was the vats because it would fire right up after waiting a bit, i think i was just putting the key in and turning too quickly for the car to properly read the chip, so maybe try putting the key in and waiting a few seconds before you try to turn it on, i think this helped a little bit when i had issues but it didn't fix it


I never noticed the security light coming on after it starts. I have seen it last week, for a little bit, then it went away. But it has popped up in the past. I also just dont put the key in and turn it right away, I wait a few seconds also to get the fuel running.


could very well be part of a security problem


I've been battling this issue in my 94 ever since I got it.

-vats has been bypassed

-new starter

-upgraded battery/alternator wiring


On my car I've settled on the ignition switch being the culprit. I just haven't had the time/money to fix it. The only other thing it could be would be the park/neutral switch in my case, however I feel like it is less likely to be the problem.

I would put my money on the ignition switch.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had this issue for a long time as well. Positive post nut wouldn't make a solid connection causing these problems no matter how hard I got it tightened.. Try replacing the nut, haven't had problems since.

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