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Antifreeze leak... again.

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Well after dumping a pretty penny in replacing the intake manifold gasket, a week later I notice another leak. It is coming from the passenger side of the radiator. I checked the upper and lower radiator hose, they seem snug and it's not wet around them areas. Can't really see where it is coming from but it only drips a little when the engine is cooling off. Any idears?

Well after dumping a pretty penny in replacing the intake manifold gasket, a week later I notice another leak. It is coming from the passenger side of the radiator. I checked the upper and lower radiator hose, they seem snug and it's not wet around them areas. Can't really see where it is coming from but it only drips a little when the engine is cooling off. Any idears?

Maybe it's coming from the passenger side of the radiator...the tank, the low-coolant sensor, etc.

Posted (edited)

These radiators have a tendency to crack at the sides were its plastic. Had the same issue on the drivers side last year, opted to just replace the radiator and went with the thick 1 1/4 one. But if you do this remember to space the cooling fans out some so the hub doesnt chew into the new one. 3 washers around the top mounting bolt will accomplish this.


Get a pressure washer in there and spray the bay out real good to get a better idea where its leaking from. Could also be the water pump weep hole or a loose coolant sensor like Schurcky said, its at the top of the raidiator on the passenger side as well. Pics or it didnt happen:D Naw but they would help us in telling you what it could be.

Edited by rich_e777

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