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n/a SIII 3800 injectors on 3100?

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I have a '97 Lumina with a 3100 in it now but I bought a sIII n/a 3800 to build up and swap in in place of, I plan on replacing the injectors so I have an extra set of injectors which are brand new. So until i swap in the 3800 I want to top swap my 3100 and was wondering if anyone knows if the 3800 injectors will work in place of the 3100 injectors for some extra flow. Thanks!


Why would you bother? Those 3100 injectors are more than enough for a stock 3100. Its a waste of time, and your just gonna fuck up your motor if you.


Im top swapping with it and I have a cold air intake on run behind the fan, just trying to keep the air fuel ratio in balance and maximize power. Now please tell me how ill fuck up my engine by doing this


Reuse the 3100 injectors. Those are still more than enough flow to support what you are doing. Even tuned those injectors still flow enough. The 3800's are different, and will flow so much youll be running pig rich unless you tune for them. And seeing as how you havent mentioned a tune anywhere, I would not run the 3800 injectors.


I only asked if itll work, I really didnt ask for youre "expert" opinion


Thanks any way guys it was just an idea i was considering, theyre the non sc injectors so its only 4 more lbs/hr


run what you want. but when your car runs like shit because its getting too much fuel, dont come bitching about how ur car isnt running right.


Alright thanks asshole ill run both when i get around to doing this and ill report back with my findings


If “sIII n/a 3800†means a Series 3 3800 L26 the injectors use different wiring connectors so you would have to solder on 6 new injector plugs.

Then the O2 sensor could not control the extra fuel making the car run rough and probably killing the o2 sensor and burning up your catalytic converter.


Not trying to preach just trying to help.

Good luck.


i don't know how far the OBD2 PCMs will let fueling be off before setting a DTC, but if they are 4 lb/hr larger than the 17.6 used in the small port 3100s, then that's a 23% increase....


if this were OBD1, then the BLM would have to shoot down to ~104 just to get them close to target. even then, the voltage and low-BPW offsets are probably very different.


That and when he takes eveything apart, he's gonna have to modify his injector harness to Multec2 connectors, instead of the Multec1 that he has. But yes they will fit.



Sent from my iPhone in some random spot of Texas.


Yes,if you tune your computer for them and rewire the injector connectors.

For practicality purposes,I will say that there is absolutely no reason to at all.

If you wanted to practice tuning,practicing your wiring/soldering skills etc..,I understand.

But there are better ways to go about doing those excercises.


It will serve your topswap 3100 none at all.

Your factory injectors will be nowhere near close to maxing out or even stretching the bpw much to fuel it.



Better performance mod:lol:

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