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Hey guys im new to this site, I was told you were the experts.

I have a 93 lumina z34 3.4 TDC. I was wondering if it was possible to add a turbo and if one from a grand prix would work. Im also looking for aftermarket and interior parts if any one knows where to find them. Thanks in advance!


Yes you can add a turbo, no the one from TGP will not work. Its way to small. Expect to spend several thousand to turbo the car. Unless you buy all ebay parts.. Youll need a custom tune as well. And if you do, expect your transmission to blow shortly after. So you can spend a few thousand more in building a trans or spend more money and swap it to 5spd.


Ok thanks, after I thought about it, it did seem like a bad idea. I think those trannys can only handle 250 hp?


That rating is probably on the generious side. Youll need a new trans before you even think about modding the motor for more power. The stock trans can hold a little more power with a trans cooler, but not much. Even stock, they dont hold up very well.


Alright. I think im going to get a trans cooler then. The only thing im going to do is a CAI and an exhaust system though.


The Tranny is definately the weak link but check out the discussion labeled "4T60E HD Parts"


Considering the half-assed "engineering" of most "cold air intake kits" , you'll be lucky if you don't reduce the engine power with one.


You do understand that the OEM air intake pulls ambient air from in front of the radiator support...right? And it also prevents throttle icing in high-humidity/40 degree conditions? The OEM air cleaner housing was specifically tuned to not howl at heavy throttle. Since too many people wrongly equate noise with power, the cold air kits are a sure profit-booster for the various resellers.


I've gotten into several arguments on this subject ,because I agree with you. Compared with the air routing most factory cars have, getting air from in FRONT of the radiator support, most CAI "engineered" solutions, which in most cases are actually pulling WARM underhood air into the intake, I call most of them I see installed "WARM air intakes"....


...or "noisemakers".


Considering the half-assed "engineering" of most "cold air intake kits" , you'll be lucky if you don't reduce the engine power with one.


You do understand that the OEM air intake pulls ambient air from in front of the radiator support...right? And it also prevents throttle icing in high-humidity/40 degree conditions? The OEM air cleaner housing was specifically tuned to not howl at heavy throttle. Since too many people wrongly equate noise with power, the cold air kits are a sure profit-booster for the various resellers.


Not to mention the fact that most of them nix the intake temperature sensor.


While I do miss my noisemaker, I couldn't agree more with what Galaxie and Schurkey said. The only proper CAI on a W-body I've ever seen was on AWeb's GP - he relocated his battery, cut into his fenderwell, and fabbed a box to cover/section-off everything. Someone might be nice and post a thread/pics.


The only reason you'd gain any MPG's from the WAI setup described would be from the computer trying to lean out your fuel mixture due to higher intake air temps.






But man did it make my GP sound throaty :(


Oh this CAI/WAI debate again...


For most everybody, plus or minus you won't notice a difference in power, just the sound. If you're supercharged, the sound is glorious!


If you're going to the track, then every ounce counts and you'll want to pull cold air at idle as well as at high speed. Such as removed headlight or in fender well.


Yeah all that is true. Im not doing It for a "20 hp gain". Or even a 5 hp gain. I just did it because it was cheap and I wanted something to mess around with. Mine does go into my fender well and the battery is where the old intake was. Yes, I know it already has a tranny cooler.

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