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Opinions on coolant leak. belt side

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working on my P/s system and noticed coolant dripping out of what seems to be the upper part of the timing cover and i know that the lim can leak coolant and im wanting a second opinion as a buddy of mine is willing to put his life on it thats its the water pump. But it is originating well above the water pump and dripping down the back of the T. Ch cover. Somewhat between P/s pulley and tensioner.


What do you guys think? LIMG, Timing chain gasket, or something else?


My 3.1l car leaked in the exact same spot I thought it was all those things too. I found out it was the head gasket. I didn't have any other signs of a bad head gasket either just a coolant leak coming from that spot.

My 3.1l car leaked in the exact same spot I thought it was all those things too. I found out it was the head gasket. I didn't have any other signs of a bad head gasket either just a coolant leak coming from that spot.


From what Haynes says im hoping it is the head gasket, timing chain cover removal needs the oil pan taken off and it seems to just pull the engine it would be easier.


Taking off that timing chain cover is a pain any ways. Since I had to replace my cradle anyways. I did the oil pan gasket and the timing chain cover since I had access to it.


Drove it around today for awhile and it didnt drip once:think: Maybe its cause i had it jacked up when i noticed the leak, but it was up on stands all night and this morning it was dry, another:think:. is it possible for coolnt to find its way out of the weep hole and run over to the back of the timing chain cover and look as if something major is leaking? Or could it be leaking thru a bad seal around one of the pulleys?


Since when do you need to pull the oil pan to take the timing cover off? I never have had to do that...


Ive had the WP gasket leak, a very small leak, that when you drove it and the car was hot, you wouldnt see anything dripping. But you could slightly smell the coolant in that area. Didnt notice anything until after the car had cooled down. Since thats when the coolant expands the most.


Also, pics could help out alot too.


I took the timing cover off before the oil pan, so the oil pan shouldn't be in the way.


By looking at it I couldnt tell why Haynes says to remove the oil pan but thats what the manual says, remove starter, then remove oil pan. Probably going to have to anyways. Oil pump is making a buzzing sound when i was under it earlier. Thinking about saying fuck it, get what i can out of it, and go buy a red `vert, that ive seen sitting in a lot for about a year now. Ive had a hemoroid before and an LQ1 is not a pain in my ass i think i want to sit in just yet though.:lol:


Thanks for the input i`ll go pick up a gasket and add it to the pile. Tensioner is good still but is there anything else worth replacing while the timing cover is off?


Cant ever find my cam when i need it but i`ll look again.


Things to check when the timing cover is off, chain tensioners, how much slack does the chain have, new crank seal in the timing cover

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