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Sell It, Fix It, or Rebuild It? 95 lq1 Cutlass Convertible

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Don't feel bad. My car was parked for a yr before I swapped the 5spd in, drove it less than 1,000 miles since last yr. and it's parked again.


Don't get frustrated with these types of projects cause that's when bad things happen. If you need to, take some time away from it, gather your thoughts and then attack it again at a later time.



Sent from my iPhone in some random spot of Texas.

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Yeah I understand. Its because my grandma is seriously sick, and between money, work, and family issues over my grandma I just feel like doing anything.


But I did end up getting my heads cleaned up, milled down .008 inch, the pitting is still there but very, very minimaly. Just wanting to get a better seal on the gasket. And now I'm just waiting on parts to get here from Rockauto!




Here is the spot where the pitting is, im sure it will seal up fine.

Don't feel bad. My car was parked for a yr before I swapped the 5spd in, drove it less than 1,000 miles since last yr. and it's parked again.


Don't get frustrated with these types of projects cause that's when bad things happen. If you need to, take some time away from it, gather your thoughts and then attack it again at a later time.



Sent from my iPhone in some random spot of Texas.



I can attest to this too... I'm not tearing an LQ1 apart or anything, but my red Lumina's been essentially a garage queen since last fall when I started in on fixing the rusty quarter panels. Got a bit discouraged when I tore into it and the rust was like an iceberg, only a small bit of of it was visible on the surface, but once I started cutting into it, I kept finding more and more hidden beneath. Between other obligations and being discouraged due to the amount of work I caused myself, I had to walk away from it for a bit. Finally last weekend I tore back into it after an at least 1-month hiatus. I hope to have it done in another weekend or two now that my ambition has been renewed. That and it's due for a state inspection by March.


How hard was it to put the cam carrier housing back on top of the cylinder head? What method did you use? Haynes calls for using 2 different size fuel lines and putting them in there to hold the lifters??


seriously about to blow my fucking brains out. ^^^


After some all out searching I stumbled across an Ebook of a Chiltons manual on google. It calls for using petroleum jelly in the lifter bores to hold them in place, woulda never thunk about that lol!


Here is the link http://books.google.com/books?id=myKJTE_3YrAC&pg=SA24-PA33&lpg=SA24-PA33&dq=how+to+install+cam+carrier+with+lifters+3.4l&source=bl&ots=Haztjw9css&sig=sgd7lSMQTFKFt-cRDkyW06EKyEY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ksMJUaeKC6HB2wXZ9oH4Bg&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=how%20to%20install%20cam%20carrier%20with%20lifters%203.4l&f=false


i've heard both petroleum jelly and certain types of grease before...


Thanks for reminding me Robert: Old hot rodder trick for holding the fuel pump rod in place on Chevy V-8's...use wheel bearing grease to hold in place. It's thick enough to keep them from moving easily during assembly, but will get wiped out by oil heat and oil pressure once the engine is started.


I don't see any reason why it wouldn't also work well for lifters...


This is by far the most frustrating part of this whole ordeal.


I was kind of fussing with myself as to why I didn't think of that old trick sooner...then got to thinking just how long it's been that I had a car with a mechanical fuel pump to even NEED that trick for. :lol:


I hear ya, I never would have thought to do that, and I probably would be on the verge of punching myself if I wouldn't have read that. :)


I use that Bardahl No Smoke product to hold the lifters in when installing the cam carriers.


Its a honey like consistency, gives you a good solid 30 seconds to get the carriers flipped over and lined up.




Long time, no post!


That would have been a little bit easier and less messy, but its all together and shes a runnin as of 35 min. ago! :D

Scared the shit out of me how noisy the lifters/ whole engine was at first, thought the valves were kissing the pistons, but after getting her up to operating temp, everything was figuring itself out. love the sound of the new timing belt :):)


Can DEX-COOL be ran through pre 1995 cars, Ive read that it cant, but the coolant that was previously in there was a red- orange color. Plus I need help with the cooling system fill procedure. Please and thank you


Yeah as long as the entire system is flushed first you should be ok.


Breakdown of the first test drive: 1- flat tire, 2- put spare tire on, 3- flat Spare tire after driving 75 ft 4- seemed to run good. :lol:


Drove it to work tonight, everything was great minus the fact im burning a little bit of oil while accelerating after stop lights or getting on the throttle.


debating on whether to keep or sell it still?!


sounds like the rings are sticky if it's burning oil while under power.


I let the pistons soak in that Berryman's B-12 Chemtool for a few hours when I had everything apart, unless it didn't work... And/or it might be because I'm running it on lighter weight oil 5w-20 that we had at the house (temporary until tomorrow) OR my PCV valve is clogged with the coolant/oil muck.


did you change the valve stem seals?

Posted (edited)

::) No


Edit: I meant to but I wasnt going to pay for all the extra things they listed to do it.

Edited by 95LQ1VERT

Does it burn oil all the time like that, or just on the first time you step on it?


I get a "plume" when I give it some throttle anywhere from half to WOT and occasionally on startup. But sInce doing all the top-end gaskets/seals it seems to be worse than previous- before it was just start up smoke. Should I worry about "band-aid" fixes?


Can half of a coil go bad and cause a mis-fire? I have a massive miss and I think I narrowed it down to cylinder/coil #6


I suppose it's possible...but in my experience, with the DIS system, if you have a single cylinder misfire, usually it's a wire or plug problem. Easy way to test, though, if you swap 3/6's wires, does the miss move to #3?


Can half of a coil go bad and cause a mis-fire? I have a massive miss and I think I narrowed it down to cylinder/coil #6

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