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Stick throttle

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I had to gun it today at an intersection, and when I let up, the throttle stayed down. I was in traffic, I ended up blowing past the people in front of me. When it shifted my brand new tires broke loose and I ended up laying down a good bit of rubber. The whole time I'm trying to get it to come back up. It wouldn't, so I shut it off and coasted onto the side of the road, getting angry glares from all the people I flew past.


Popped the hood and went to see what had snagged it. It was very hard to twist it, but as soon as it moved a little bit the spring pulled it back. I messed with it a bit- when it gets to that certain point it sticks. If you press the gas while it's stuck, it goes further, and then the spring pulls it back to that point. It also gets stuck all the way up, too. The cable is good- it's in the actual throttle body. Any ideas what would cause this?


Carbon build up has caused mine to stick in the past.


Before you decide to drive it, you should take it apart and do a thorough inspection.


Holy cow that would be scary!

Does just sound like the TB is gunked up... a good cleaning will clear that right up.


I took it apart today and sprayed some blaster oil on all the mechanisms. Works fine now! Free as a bird.

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