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Hello from Perth Ont Cananda this is my new 91 grand prix gtp

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Yes it is a very nice car just got to get it running right more pics to come just got it home today :)


I actually really like the wheels! How big are they? Also, damn all you guys and your white, maybe I should've held out... NAHHH!


No, that's your tire size :wink: But 16" wheels, got it :thumbsup: A tad small, but otherwise nice looking.



Any story on how you acquired it?


Yes i bought a crappy crys neon 2.0 i was telling a friend of mine how much i hated it the friend worked right across from my house and one day i was out having a smoke he came over and mentioned he had a car i may like. So a year past and i finally killed the neon :) and asked if he still had that car. He showed it to me and i fell in love really hot car my wife just loved it too so i got it at a fare price. The car has never seen a winter and has been oil undercoated every year lots of new part wires, breaking system completely re done, i just put a new used lower intake manifold and gask new vacuum hoses, wheel bearing i still need to fix a rear strut or shock its rattling and now i can't get it to idle without stalling out it will get a crazy oil reading and start to putter now bear with me it has not been on the road since 2010 so i am thinking a fuel inj cleaner and new fuel filter and oil prss sending unit but i am trying to get everyone to give me some advice befor i go swaping parts


And sorry i thought you asked the how big the wheels are not the rim size lol My bad


Great looking car! Looks to be in really nice shape. I do like the rims that are on that car.


Yes, very nice GTP. Looks like its in good shape.


Quite a few new members from Canuckistan lately, Welcome all!



That surrrrrrrrre looks good, and it's the *right* color too! :biggrin:


That sure is the right color!

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