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I'm Jake.


I live in southern Oklahoma near the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, which is most famous for its cold springs and two lakes that are fed by these.


That's enough about geography, though.

I work at Walmart in the sporting goods and automotive sections, and I'm a bit of a car collector. I love having something to work on, so I almost always have one or more projects going.


As of right now I have a 1994 Lumina that we call Christy, a 1992 Astro van called Ed, and a 1986 Ford F250 project that needs a lot of work before I can drive it.


Hopefully I'll learn a lot about my new Lumina here, and be able to contribute to the forum!


Hi Jake. I like you. I also am in love with the state of Oklahoma for some reason. Just feels like 'home'.


Anyways, welcome!!


Welcome! I don't post here near as often as I used to, or want to or should.


I used to live down in Bristow, just south of the Osage Nation. My mom is still down there, and I'll be heading down this weekend to pick up my daughter from there. :)


Oklahoma is really a beautiful state. I was up in Green Country, though, and the spring was murder - so much tree pollen my black car was yellow. :(


Hey,i'm in Sallisaw which iirc is north of you.

Knew a girl from Sulphur once that used to come stay at the lake with friends.


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