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hi folks, I'm an old school hot rod guy, front drive hater, EFI hater, who was converted by the chevy Lumina and a 5 year stint as a mechanic's assistant for a multi-cab owner, as well as a few years driving one as a Taxi

This is the first RWD car who's driving feel reminds me of my old love, the 60s 70s GM A body (which cannot be bought without a boat load of money theses days)

After working on them a lot, I am impressed with their reliability as well as the (relative) ease of repair

Mine is a 2001 Lumina with california emmissions (yuk, make it harder to work on) which I bough after it came off line as a taxi, and has 291k miles on the original powertrain. A bit down on power, but still runs smooth and will knock down 28 MPG on the hiway

I look forward to interacting with the members here, learning more about these cars, and maybe providing some help myself


Welcome to the forum! In the grand scheme of things most of these cars are dead simple as far as computer controlled cars go!

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