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I beat you thought my grand prix was fixed. Nope. Chuck Testa.

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So after it being down for 2 weeks it finally runs.. again.

It died at a stop light. Wouldn't turn over, no gauges, no power.

Figured it to be the alternator and of course we all know how that goes replacing THAT damn part.

So it's fixed now and runs and drives and I thought it solved all the problems. Nope.

It has a "temper"

Sometimes randomly, doesn't matter if its warm, or cold. Doing 15 or 85. I'll push in the clutch it will idle to low for a second and die. Happens about 2 times a day (I drive about 100 miles a day city and county roads)

Also sometimes it just won't turn over. At all. Will be running fine, Ill make a pizza delivery get back in and it just won't start. All gauges are good just won't. Turn the key and absolutely nothing. So ill pop start it turn it off again and starts right up.

So what the hell. Something I'm missing? First I thought it was because the key was stuck, then the battery cables, battery, then the alternator. Now I just don't know

Any ideas??


yeah, about 2 times a day. I remember that before I tuned the 88.



like it had a bad case of arthritis.

sounds like a bad cable to me. you checked all your grounds?


That's exactly what it was, negative on the battery loosens up after a while

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