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i recently replaced brake pads and calipers in the rear of my car and now for some reason my driver's side rear wheel is getting extremely hot compared to the others and smells like burning plastic. as far as i know the e brake isn't engaged i've set it and released it but still does it. it did this before i replaced the caliper and that caliper was froze so i'm thinking i got a faulty caliper from autozone or their is maybe a bubble in the brake line?


air in the line won't cause it to stay engaged.


lift up that corner of the car, see what kind of resistance there is to motion.


Yeah, jack up the car and see if the wheel spins easily. If it doesn't, open up the bleeder on the caliper and see if it then spins. If it does, there's a problem in the hydaulics like a hose or something. If it's still not spinning easily, the caliper is defective. I'm betting it's the caliper even though it's new.


The caliper guides are lubed and not sticking are they?

Also to see if the caliper is sticking one thing would be to take some pliers and manually move the lever that activates the parking brake and see if it will easily move back when you are not holding it.


I don't know what the hell it is but the rear calipers on our cars seem to have problems wanting to stick.


Try taking them apart and see whats up, if your rears are disc like mine they say you need a special tool but i just used a 15mm wrench with a closed end on one side and used a screwdriver for leverage. A rebuild kit if needed is like $10 bucks at autozone if you need one, but these caliper usually dont go bad unless the rubber boot is busted and fluid is shooting out, in my exp. anyways.

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