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I have brought this up before,was hoping that I can get some more feed back on this.I have changed the fluid,filter,modulator valve.My problem is this: first to second no problem,second to third it either slips or it doesn't,if i get on it,it shifts just fine,but if I drive it "normally" it wants to slip...what are the possible problems,I have been told that it could be broken accumilator springs...I don't want to tear it apart and find that that is the problem and not have them to put back in,I plan in putting in the mod (in the FAQ') section.what else could possibly cause it to do this? any and all suggestions are welcome...I have all 3 service books on the car,but you know how they can be when it comes to problems..one thing that I would REALLY like to know,is where can I buy the springs? would rather have them and not need them to not needing them at all...know any good places to but them from?


Thank in advance.

Posted (edited)

Id start looking for the springs by asking a dealership or a transmission shop if an internet search didnt help you. Im sure there are also manuals for a complete 4T60E teardown and rebuild. If your current one is giving you so many problems go find a gently used on at a j/y. I find practically brand new rebuilds all the time from people throwing parts at a car and then just giving up and junking them. I love me some wasteful idiots:D


While your at it get some good magnets and put on your Trans pan and see how much metal collects if you havent done so already. but im with the guy from your other thread that you could have just bumped, that says it could be your clutch not your springs. My thoughts would be to go with a trans thats actually working and then go on to mod that one.

Edited by rich_e777
Im sure there are also manuals for a complete 4T60E teardown and rebuild.


correct. i have such a manual through alldata.


thanks I have "the" shop manual(s) all three of them..kust not wanting to do a replace or rebuild,if I can get away with it..

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