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new stereo for the 88

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nice deck, thinking about doing something similar in the GTP


6 channels? 4.8 volts? damn, and here i've been getting along with 2 channels of ~1.0 volt pre-outs on my 1995 era panasonic CD unit. :lol:


well, you only need it if you got some HD sub and components though. thats whats coming out is the panasonic 2 volt cd player that came with this car. it sounded really good and there is nothing wrong with it, I just bought a W7 12 though


this is whats going down, I got a w7 for cheap, like almost double digits. then I ended up spending like $800 all together including everything from the deck to the amp/sub/self installed.. pics are here:




I got the new deck installed. just need the sub and amp and rear STB to hold the box in place and build the 2 gauge ground wire for the amp. I am only running a (+)4 gauge wire for this little 500/1. I have never tried running that small but this will be a single battery install I hope.


I have heard the sub and its not blown but it does have a cracked cone. I hope the W7 cone is as strong as they say and holds up. a repair was made to it with that aluminum tape right before I bought it. anyway, before I got it, it was tested out and passed the slump test. I think it was just hit hard and cracked by a previous owner.


also some pics of the charge wire I built to replace the crappy old one on my black TGP. it had some plastic thing in the middle I didn't like and bad terminals. the wire turned green.

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