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91 olds cutlass supreme no start HELP!!!

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Car has a 3.1 in it. Was running perfect and was driveing down the road when it just died. It has spark and fuel pressure. What could.be wrong? It turns over but wont start


You're sure it has enough fuel pressure?


How did it die? Just shut off or sputter?


Nice GMC by the way!


Thanks. It just died while driveing. It sprays fuel out of the test fuel thing so I guess.it.has enough fuel pressure


Not always. You will need to do a fuel pressure test to be sure.


Also.the car has had very low voltage lately court that have damanged the coils?


Do you have a Harbor Freight near? You can either buy a tester there for about $20, or rent one from another auto parts store.


They're pretty simple to use, you attach it to that valve - being careful of course because you are working with gasoline - and check the pressure after cranking then engine a few seconds. I can't recall off hand what it should be, I want to say 35-40 PSI.


Another possibility is a out-of-spec fuel injector. They should be around 12.7 volts for each and checked using a voltmeter. Unfortunately, on a 3.1, most of the injectors are under the plenum and that will have to be removed to check them.

Also.the car has had very low voltage lately court that have damanged the coils?


I doubt it. But you can use a timing light to check for spark at all three coils.


Usually if it's the Ignition Control Module or Crank Position Sensor, there won't be any spark.


43.5PSI with no vacuum going to the FPR. could connect the test wire to 12 volts and force the pump on for however long it's needed for testing.

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