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Can some one with a working power antenna do me a favor and take some good up close pics of their antenna from in the trunk? I think I might have some wires missing, or a connector missing. If so I will just go with an aftermarket antenna. And is there a gromet under the antenna that the drain hose goes to? I have a hole there and my drain tube just leaks into me trunk. Thanks for all the help.


I don't have any pictures of my Antenna currently. I could grab some later.


IIRC my drain tube just goes in the floor pan in the hole no rubber gromet. One connector is for the radio, has a single tip at the end. The other connector is a 3 pin. Should have like a pink and black wire going in it. Not to be mistaken for the ground out for the keyless entry program.


Just removed the rear antenna on my 95 vert, and it had a tube going through the floor with an attached rubber grommet. I think (Don't take these as fact) the wire colors are like green, tan, and either white or black... Hopefully someone has a good working one to snap a pic of!

Posted (edited)

Here you go buddy, pics from our 1994 CS Vert


edit; ignore the top/back connector, it's for something else and was just stowed there. I thought it hooked up to the antenna, but I just checked and it does NOT!!! It's the connector closest to the fender in pic#2. The only connectors are the coax and the one in the close up pics#1 & 3





Edited by 1988PhantomFE3
Here you go buddy, pics from our 1994 CS Vert


edit; ignore the top/back connector, it's for something else and was just stowed there. I thought it hooked up to the antenna, but I just checked and it does NOT!!! It's the connector closest to the fender in pic#2. The only connectors are the coax and the one in the close up pics#1 & 3


This was exactly what I was looking for. Now I need to see if I can order that gromet. You guys are awesome! Plus I just wanted to see how the thing hooked up. I have a bunch of wires back there and didnt' know if they hooked up to the antenna or not.


Glad to be here for you Bud."It's not what you get out of life, it's what you put into it" so put in that antenna :biggrin:

Glad to be here for you Bud."It's not what you get out of life, it's what you put into it" so put in that antenna :biggrin:


LOL. I am going to but the car is in the shop right now getting a new steering knuckle put on.


that unused connector is the programing wire the keyless entry


That wire with the connector than you ground to reset your key fob? I ordered 4 brand new key fobs and never got any of them to be programmed, and the car was clicking and everything, but the fobs never ever received whatever signals it was suppose to, never worked! ANY ideas how to get them working CUTLASSDUDE96 with the pic of the nottie for an Avitar? :shrug:


you hold down the lock button on the key fob when the locks cycle after you ground the wire

That wire with the connector than you ground to reset your key fob? I ordered 4 brand new key fobs and never got any of them to be programmed, and the car was clicking and everything, but the fobs never ever received whatever signals it was suppose to, never worked! ANY ideas how to get them working CUTLASSDUDE96 with the pic of the nottie for an Avitar? :shrug:


You got the right fobs Ed? I think the FCC ID is ABO0104T.


Those are the ones I have, maybe it's that box looking thingie in the trunk? Or maybe I did it wrong...I tried everything, even new batteries in all the fobs :shrug:


Hmm...Its possible that the box next to the top motor had been replaced with one that has another FCC ID, but not probable.


The locks didn't cycle when you pressed the lock button when programming?


I think 2 is maximum on the amount of fobs that can be used on each car.

that unused connector is the programing wire the keyless entry


I do have a huge connector attached to my power antenna with nothing connected to it. I will have to get a pic. What do you think is suppose to go to that? could it just be a universal antenna?


Jay, the locks did cycle, clicked loud as heck too! I went to the dealership and they wanted like $200+ to figure it out, with no guarantee the fobs would work when they were done...geeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz :think:


Ed, I'll grab my service manual from work and look at possibilities...But I'm thinking the receiver box is bad and not recognizing the fobs.


I pulled out that other connector that was by our power antenna, does your big connector look like this one 1994Red Vert?



Thanks Jay, I'll get into the front part of the trunk and get as much info off the box as I can get. The car was rearended at one time, maybe it damaged something then....


No problem Ed. Anything for a friend. It's rare for the two connector box to go bad but I have one that only works part of the time I had in my Blazer from a 1994 Cutlass. I need to get another for the Indy, I'm thinking about using a solenoid on the in bed toolbox and having it open using the REAR button. :lol:

I pulled out that other connector that was by our power antenna, does your big connector look like this one 1994Red Vert?


No, it is actually towards the top where the antenna is screwed in. It is a pretty big connector attached to the part the antenna mast goes into.


1994REDVERT, is that a factory stock antenna you have in there right now? I KNOW mine is just the way it came when delievered to the showroom floor.


Thank you Jay for calling me a friend, I needed that just about now. I consider you my best friend on here, and Nate runs a closest secondest bestest friendess everest on this W-Body site. I don't know all the unwritten rules here, and I asked another member to phone me for help, but he took it the wrong way... kinda bumbed me out bigtime...:(

1994REDVERT, is that a factory stock antenna you have in there right now? I KNOW mine is just the way it came when delievered to the showroom floor.


That is the thing I am not completely sure. I think it is. But, the car is almost 20 years old. And I am not the original owner. But, I would have to say yes.

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