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Tunable 97 3100 PCM for my 96 GP

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Well my little project is getting close to being done. I am going to need a PCM that is tunable with DHP powrtuner for my 96. Ive heard that 97 3100 Monte Carlo PCM will work. Ive also heard that the Venture 3400 mini van PCM will work. Has anyone made the switch from a 96 PCM to a 97.

Well my little project is getting close to being done. I am going to need a PCM that is tunable with DHP powrtuner for my 96. Ive heard that 97 3100 Monte Carlo PCM will work. Ive also heard that the Venture 3400 mini van PCM will work. Has anyone made the switch from a 96 PCM to a 97.


Why switch? 96 is tuneable both L82 and LQ1 with a DHP.


Only the GTP is tunable. Actually my old 96 GTP had an odd PCM and it couldn't be tuned either. I tried on my 96 SE last year and it couldn't do it.


IF you switch PCMs(and you shouldn't need to), do yourself a favor and use one from a 1.5W... no BCM or anything else to work around that the U-vans have and the PCM might miss.

Only the GTP is tunable. Actually my old 96 GTP had an odd PCM and it couldn't be tuned either. I tried on my 96 SE last year and it couldn't do it.


I tuned my brother's 1996 L82 SE last year when I did a large port and Multec 2 swap on it. You're probably running an old software number. Flash it with the latest relese from GM (9365651) and it will be tuneable, plus have the latest problem corrections GM released.


97 u van pcm is plug n play. Im running a 97 3400 pcm with a 96 lumina harness


If you're that worried about it, Milzy Motorsports has a 1997 PCM conversion for 1996 cars. go to milzymotorsports.com, click on engine performance, 3100, electronics, and then "MMS 1997 PCM Conversion for 1996 Vehicles". $175



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