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3.4 Intake Plenum

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I plan on removing the intake plenum on my 3.4 to fix a leak/hiss (I think I pulled out the cruise cntrl hose accidently). I'm wondering what else would be easily accessible with it off so that I don't have to do this again. I'm guessing the rear 3 spark plugs will be easier to get to.. anything else?


Also, unfortunately I'll be working with a crappy haynes manual, and I dont see a vaccum diagram, and the one under the hood is not legible. WOuld someone be kind enough to point me to one on the web, or maybe even scan it?




Notice the notches removed from the firewall trim. That gains very easy access to the rear plugs.

It's great so that you don't need to rock the engine.


- Erik


pull the engine easier to work on!! or go out and buy a flex 1/2 inch drive extesion they come in 10 to 24 inch long. They sell them at Canadian tire up here in Canada


Well what I am saying is, I'll be pulling off the intake plenum to fix the vaccum leak(s) anyway. I want to know what else I can get at with it off!


the holes dont hurt anything at all. ive had them done for over 12k miles, michael has had them done forever(he showed me). it makes it so much easier, and with the black thingy covering them, no one notices

pull the engine easier to work on!! or go out and buy a flex 1/2 inch drive extesion they come in 10 to 24 inch long. They sell them at Canadian tire up here in Canada



tilting the engine takes more work, than spending 1 - 5 mins cutting the notches, and never having to tilt the engine for the plugs again...


Thats odd I didn't have to tilt the engine at all. The weatherstripping was loose so I moved it out of the way and it was no problem getting the plugs.


the back of the maf car's plenum is like 1/4" shorter, so it is easier. so ive heard at least.


ok, allow me to rephrase the question. :P


What is under the intake plenum, what will I have access to once I remove it?


the rear valve cover is, like REALLY is, underneath. as is all the vacuum lines that are behind the plenum. the o2 sensor, is also there. and a few others. i would have taken a pic, but i was too busy puttign it together.

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