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More plugs (help please)

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Well i'm almost done with my engine swap in my shop class, all i have left is to bolt up the exhaust, find a flywheel cover, and 4 plugs (have NO idea where they go) I took pictures of the plugs, i hope someone can help me.

The engien is a 3.1, 1992. No ABS, 4T60E tranny.


The first plug is on a wiring harness, along with a small ground wire (or something resembling one) that is attached to a bolt on the P.E.D. box (which is attached to the left fender), so i know it goes somewhere around there, i just don't know where.





All of these plugs are on the left side of the engine bay, except the last plug with the round connector. I don't know where its from. I found this in the engine bay, cut. I didn't cut it, it was cut when i got the car. I hope someone can help.

Sorry about the shitty quality of some pictures, the camera can't really focus well on close-up things.


You have a 4T60E?


Did you put that in yourself? If so, was it hard :)


Is the E better then the regular one? Or are they the same (I know one is electronically controlled and blah blah blah.)


Anyways, were are these plugs located? If you can give me a general idea, I could look under my hood, since we have the exact same car it appears. Oop, nm, you said left side. Now is this left when in the drivers seat, or left when in front of the car looking at the engine?




the first one goes to nothing the last one goes to your knock sensor, the middle one i've seen before but can't remember


The car came with a 4T60E. I thought one of them was for a knock sensor... where is the plug located? My friend Yves has a 92 Lumina and he's supposed to bring it in this week to compare plugs (but its his actually his mom's, so he may not be able to). I mean the left side from the drivers seat, john. First one goes to nothing? thats odd, but i couldn't find anywhere for it to go, so okay. Thanks. And Robby, I don't know what all the plugs are for, but so far we have all 3 ignition plugs in, and everything on the right side of the car, and all of the throttle body plugs are in, and the o2 sensor is plugged in also. Thats about all i can think of right now. And none of those plugs i posted pictures of are the hood light plug, just to let you know.


Do you have the MAT/IAT plugged in? the 2nd or 3rd looks somethine like that plug, I think


Is that manifold air temperature or intake air temperature? Well, the airbox isn't in the car, so probably not. I'll look tomorrow for plugs on it.

Is that manifold air temperature or intake air temperature? Well, the airbox isn't in the car, so probably not. I'll look tomorrow for plugs on it.


Yeah, thats on the air box. The one with the light blue plastic thing around it looks like that plug


ya, one of those is definantly the IAT, the blue one as stated. it is exactly like mine. The other ones im not to sure of. will look under meh hood sometime and try to figure it out. ill probably do it tomorrow, since im getting an oil change (still running summer oil :shock: ). Ill see what i can rally up





i looked again today, and came up with a question for u


does one of the plugs have blue and red wires? if so, that goes to my windshield washers pump thing. the iat wires are like brown and tan, or something like that.


just thought id give u a headsup




Thanks everyone... My friend looked at his Lumina, and we figured out all the plugs. Exactly what you guys said they were.


well ok, never mind then 8)



happy to help in any way i can. which is not much :lol:



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