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Does dhp Powertuner+'96 3100= compatability

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Was thinking about looking for a dhp powertuner, but i have a few quick questions that i cant seem to find the answers for. Does it work on the 96 3100 pcms (i heard that they are un-tunable) can it be used as a datalogger? what kind of parameters can i change? And how hard is it to use?


It may be able to datalog, never tired.


the 96' PCMs are not supported though, a 97' lumina PCM *should* be more compatible


yea but the 97 pcm will set off DTC codes, which will turn on the ses light which will cause the car to fail inspection


where did you hear that? it should be a drop in replacement for the 96' pcm. and if you are tuning you can dictate what DTCs get triggered or not.


a fellow w-body member haha, if theres any ny members who have their 96 3100 running on a 97 pcm please chime in


it's been done, and I will be doing it eventually. BXX/Bob/Loudcutty has done this, so have others, and then they used HPtuners. There are two wires that *might* need repinning, but then you can tune the 97 PCM in your 96 ;)


IIRC, the DHP unit DOES support the 96 PCMs, but HPT doesn't which is why most people switch.


no, it does not. I have personally tried. on a 96' L82


Any experts out there willing to throw there two cents in? Not saying you guys dont know what your saying but you all seem to disagree.


Yes, DHP works fine on a 96 L82. I used mine on my brother's 96 GP. I did a large port swap and upgraded to multec 2 injectors on it and had to change the fueling around a bit. I did have to flash the module to GM's latest calibration level before it worked, but I found that bin and flashed it with the DHP.


I ran my car with a stock L36 pcm before it was flashed for the bigger injectors (L67) and different trans ratio. It was to happy tho but with stock injectors it wouldve ran just fine

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