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the EGR, when closed or a bad gasket, shows symptoms of a rough idle, dipping low and stalling as well.


works a shit load better...i should start making gaskets and selling them for a living :-D....lol


The intake cam gear and bolt are now oscillating worse than before, though not to an extreme. So im going to replace that.


one thing i want to mention on the vid i took...thru most of 1st i eased it in there, very gradual then WOT the rest of the way...


in no way would i EVER race like i did in the video...i'd get killed by Honda's around here :shock:. Normally i leave it in drive, then just punch it and go...at 1st the wheels spin so i let off very little then punch it again...has work many times..


Hey aaron your Z would be a star around here. There's a GTP that beat a stock mustang GT and now everyone things he's God cuz a 'family car' beat 'a Stang'.


By the way, the dealerships seems to be selingg the 2004 GP's like crazy. When i went to purchase the cam carrier gasket, there were like 2 families taking pictures wit a GP and yet another family loading the GP wit their stuff from their current car. Plus i've seen A LOT of 04 GP's running aaround, mostly all GT's though

One thing that really freaks me out now is white smoke is coming from the exhaust. Smells funky too. Its kinda cold here so it might me the smoke condensating i know, but the thing that struck me was that the smoke was opaque in some areas. ???


White smoke / sweet smell = coolant

Blue smoke = oil

Black smoke / gas or soot smell = rich mixture

I would definitely keep a close eye on it and don't kid yourself if there's something burning.


- Erik


Hey aaron your Z would be a star around here. There's a GTP that beat a stock mustang GT and now everyone things he's God cuz a 'family car' beat 'a Stang'.


people around here definately know my car, that is for sure. I met a LT1 guy the other night whil;e cruising(breaking in) and he raced me a while back and was shocked. there is a guy with a Iroc 5.7 tthat i beat, and i stopped by his house the other day, adn he bought a 93 GP SE with the 3.4 cuz of it. 8)

One thing that really freaks me out now is white smoke is coming from the exhaust. Smells funky too. Its kinda cold here so it might me the smoke condensating i know, but the thing that struck me was that the smoke was opaque in some areas. ???


White smoke / sweet smell = coolant

Blue smoke = oil

Black smoke / gas or soot smell = rich mixture

I would definitely keep a close eye on it and don't kid yourself if there's something burning.


- Erik



Question, Erik... Brown exhaust and normal smell... 2nd last day I owned the truck, I started it up and it smoked out the block with brown normal smelling exhaust...


Hey aaron your Z would be a star around here. There's a GTP that beat a stock mustang GT and now everyone things he's God cuz a 'family car' beat 'a Stang'.


people around here definately know my car, that is for sure. I met a LT1 guy the other night whil;e cruising(breaking in) and he raced me a while back and was shocked. there is a guy with a Iroc 5.7 tthat i beat, and i stopped by his house the other day, adn he bought a 93 GP SE with the 3.4 cuz of it. 8)


The really old IRoc?? if so those cars wernt all that fast. the 5.0 could beat it.


damn, that thing's fast !


my regal at WOT:


1-2 - 32

2-3 - 56

3-4 - 73

and i dont know what 4th tops out at cause i don't trust myself above 80


Hey aaron your Z would be a star around here. There's a GTP that beat a stock mustang GT and now everyone things he's God cuz a 'family car' beat 'a Stang'.


people around here definately know my car, that is for sure. I met a LT1 guy the other night whil;e cruising(breaking in) and he raced me a while back and was shocked. there is a guy with a Iroc 5.7 tthat i beat, and i stopped by his house the other day, adn he bought a 93 GP SE with the 3.4 cuz of it. 8)


The really old IRoc?? if so those cars wernt all that fast. the 5.0 could beat it.


it was like a 91 or so, it was quick too, a 5.7L V8, something like 260hp


No such thing as a 91 IROC Camaro that I'm aware of. The last Chevy IROC rolled off the production line in 1990 as the Dodge Daytona picked up the IROC tag. And it's 240bph stock not 260. The 91 Z-28 only added 5bph with the same engine.


Beating a stock 3rd gen Camaro, be it IROC or Z-28 is not a big deal. I mean come on, they were geared for top end, not dragging. 15.2 quarters in an IROC is a norm. Take that 3.4 out on the highway and try passing it from a start speed of 90mph and I'll be impressed.

Question, Erik... Brown exhaust and normal smell... 2nd last day I owned the truck, I started it up and it smoked out the block with brown normal smelling exhaust...


Was it a while before it was started up once again?

Sounds like just residual combustion products in the combustion camber / downpipe.

Any problems?


- Erik

Question, Erik... Brown exhaust and normal smell... 2nd last day I owned the truck, I started it up and it smoked out the block with brown normal smelling exhaust...


Was it a while before it was started up once again?

Sounds like just residual combustion products in the combustion camber / downpipe.

Any problems?


- Erik


it blew out that brown smoke for the 3 - 4 hours I ran the truck, and it ran fine...

No such thing as a 91 IROC Camaro that I'm aware of. The last Chevy IROC rolled off the production line in 1990 as the Dodge Daytona picked up the IROC tag. And it's 240bph stock not 260. The 91 Z-28 only added 5bph with the same engine.


Beating a stock 3rd gen Camaro, be it IROC or Z-28 is not a big deal. I mean come on, they were geared for top end, not dragging. 15.2 quarters in an IROC is a norm. Take that 3.4 out on the highway and try passing it from a start speed of 90mph and I'll be impressed.


You nailed it! i got a video of an 88-90iroc runing 15.30 in the qt mile. With a good R/T from me i would give it a run for its money. although it will still probably win. stuipd auto!


arron dont expect to pull a 14.5 until you get 15k-20k miles on that baby. there is a point in the engine where the bugs get worked out and will just supprise the shit out of you. Right now im sure you can pull a 15.0 flat easy with your car as is now. Just give it some time to grow up. Its still in the baby stage.

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