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I'm Back! 0 to 90 Vid

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Nothing special about it, but to me, it was glory!


First off i wanna thank everyone who contributed and helped me in my ttroubles wit the car. God i luv this board!


The run is a simple 0-90. I ease into and just go WOT the whole way...pulls like a raped mule on cocaine!


Once again peeps, thanks for the help n support! God im happy!!!


:-) :-)


Wow, your car sounds nice! I'm impressed. I really miss my DOHC Lumina. What's that jingling sound in the background you hear after you get to about 65 mph?


damn those gear ratios suck ass. and wow your car shifts early. your tranny is healthy tho, the shifts seemed rock hard.


auto, i nkow :-(


future mod is better gear ratios and a 28k tqconverter.....


i wanna see the end with the chick but y ay did u chicken out at 90 push it harder come on


wow. i wish mycar was that fast.


my tranny shifts into 2nd at 37mph, and third at 72 at WOT



damn me and my 3.1






Whats that light that goes on and off?





Yeah, what's up w/ the chick in the towel, probably the best part of that video. :lol:


EDIT: not a towel, paused it, and unless she has a big ass tat. on her chest it's a really tight T-shirt. Looks like skin though. :shock:


its not a towel, it was a VERY tight shirt and she has a very fat ass..lol

Filmed on location at a afterprom party...she very very nice ;-)


The light that goes off is my CHECK GAUGES light...anyone know why??


The car has bad shuttering at idle, yet the idle stays at 1K rpms....


the shudder is bad enough to rattle the dash, radio and the whole interior


Motor mounts are new as well as tranny mounts and the FFP dogbone too...


Wat could the shutter be? It seems like a rythmic think...like


"brrr....brrr....brr....brrr..." Takes a bit longer to start the car too

The light that goes off is my CHECK GAUGES light...anyone know why??


I watched the video and few times and it always goes off when you release the gas.

And goes on with full throttle... since I can't seen all of your gauges, I'm gonna guess on this.

I'm willing to bet your Oil Pressure Sending (OPS) unit is faulty or you have a fading oil pump.

Are any of you dials spiking from either max or min values?


- Erik


1st redline-35mph

2nd redline-60mph

3rd redline-95mph

4th redline-130mph(about, speedo doesnt go up that high)

5th redline-rumored to be 168


dude, im glad to see the car running right, sounds healthy.


my 3.1 would kill ya 0-40...but lol that 3.4 has so much more power after 3500rpms.


okey after I get my 3.4 in and tweaked, we'll see what i can do bout keepin up =)




Redfox, the oil pressure gauge remanined constant thru the run...


I noticed somethine else on after running it like 10 min ago



Everytime i accelerate, i get a nasty clunking sound at the beginning...this only sounds from like 0-20 when i accelerate quicly...



the sound can best be described as this: like in movies of old beat up cars that have a crank sounding when they turn off..."Caklunk...caklunk"


just notice something too: i have an air/fuel gauge and the rythmic vibrations of the car are adjacent to the meter going from lean to rich...lean to rich...lean to rich....



my 3.1 would kill ya 0-40...but lol that 3.4 has so much more power after 3500rpms.


only if yours is a 5-speed. i can eat the autos, even off the line. the 5-speed 3.4 aint that bad off the line(with good timing of course). i raced a 3.1 5-speed beretta, and he put my front bumper to his rear off the line, we were side by side when i redlined 1st, and after 2nd, he was a few(3-4) car lenghs back.


aaron something was wrong with the lowend on your car, hopefully your new motor has more. that would be the day a 3.1 beats my 3.4 outta the hole. i have a auto too, i don't care if its a auto or a stick they don't beat me at anypoint in the race


i tell you what with my rebuild this thing has some low end, it is so nice feeling to pass a guy in 5th going 50. b4 id have to go into 4th for sure.


if it is a halfway decent track, i am aiming for a 14.5. i also hope to borrow some slicks or better wheels/tires.

just notice something too: i have an air/fuel gauge and the rythmic vibrations of the car are adjacent to the meter going from lean to rich...lean to rich...lean to rich....


But that can't contribute to the Check Gauges light. Hmmm...

You'll have to better isolate the issue... I can't think of anything of the top of my head.

Remember, it could be just a soder loosening but if anything like what I saw on the video, something's just not right.

As for the cluck, could be as easy as a worn motor mount or the downpipe hitting the firewall.


- Erik


Redfox, i made a gasket for my EGR...im broke plus Autozone nor any of the parts store have a Gasket readily avaible..that and they want some stupid shipping charge (autozone at least). The car now idles a bit better though there are still some vibrations felt.


One thing that really freaks me out now is white smoke is coming from the exhaust. Smells funky too. Its kinda cold here so it might me the smoke condensating i know, but the thing that struck me was that the smoke was opaque in some areas. ???

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