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Transmission noise

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Ok, '95 GP with the 3.1 ~115,000


When I get after it, there is a whine noise comming from the front end at about 3500 rpm. When it shifts into 2nd, the noise stops until the revs get up to about 3500-4000 again. I didn't think too much of it, until I was "racing" my brother, and he said that the noise was deafening from the outside! I've tried to shift into neutral at highway speed and rev up to about 3500-5000, but cannot replicate the sound. So it seems to only make the sound under load. Does this sound like a transmission or axles/CV joints? Or what else can you think of? Thanks.


is it like a clanking that varies with engine speed?


Mine does this on cold morning starts, for the first min or two when I drive, with like a 5 min warm up before.

Only does it when in gear ~2200rpm yet i can rev in p or n to that rpm and don't get the noise.


No, there is no clanking noise. It is a very definate "whine". More like a scream. And only when I am really getting after it (more than 3/4 throttle) In fact, I always joke around that it's the turbo kicking in :) (Well, you know, I haven't looked that hard under the hood............)



I'm thinking it could be a CV joint (maybe wishing) instead of the transmission.


I get a whining noise that resonates the front passenger side of my car when in gear, and I hammer it.... I think it's my alt or something...

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