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cruise control isn't cruising properly!

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ok so my cruise control works, but it doesn't hold speed all the time. The car holds speed on flat straight road, but if there is a hill, it will drop. If you set the cruise at say 70mph, buy the top of a slight incline im at about 62. I know it will drop a little, but not 8mph. The bigger the hill the slower it gets. Any input would be great on how to fix this! thanks



Mine usually does the same thing, which is why I havent used it in two years. I think its just the nature of the beast. I mean, my car is 11 years old, and the cruise out-dated, which is why its not as responsive. Just dont use the cruise, you dont need it, its just some extra junk some one created so that cars cost more and break more.


Mine definitely does not do this... on bigger inclines, mine will actually downshift the tranny to hold speed. Unsure why yours would do that, though.

Mine definitely does not do this... on bigger inclines, mine will actually downshift the tranny to hold speed. Unsure why yours would do that, though.





If I hit the brake, then press the little nob to get back to speed, sometimes it won't take mine back to my set cruise speed. Then i have to press the set button again for it to work. I also have the problem that when i speed up using the little knob, sometimes it will just turn off the cruise, then i have to reset my speed again.


Not enough vacuum getting to your servo. It won't pull the throttle cable enough to give you the power you need to get up hills. Try lifting up on your brake pedal with your foot, see if it improves. There's a vacuum switch there. Also, if you have a vac. leak elsewhere it can cause the same problem.

Mine usually does the same thing, which is why I havent used it in two years. I think its just the nature of the beast. I mean, my car is 11 years old, and the cruise out-dated, which is why its not as responsive. Just dont use the cruise, you dont need it, its just some extra junk some one created so that cars cost more and break more.


Yeah right if you never drive on the highway. I personally wouldn't ever dream of buying a car without it.


The cruise on my car only works for about 30 sec before it falls off.


It hasn't been working for about 2 years now and I hate it.


When I'm driving 3.5 hours straight on the freeway, it's a pain in the foot.


def a vacuum leak, or something....cruise should work properly. and my 91LE did this too, just never cared. i also did have a vacuum leak

Mine usually does the same thing, which is why I havent used it in two years. I think its just the nature of the beast. I mean, my car is 11 years old, and the cruise out-dated, which is why its not as responsive. Just dont use the cruise, you dont need it, its just some extra junk some one created so that cars cost more and break more.


Yeah right if you never drive on the highway. I personally wouldn't ever dream of buying a car without it.


Last weekend went to Lexington, KY at 4 hour trip and never used the cruise the whole trip, also, I drive 5 hours home from school, and never use it.


Definitely a vacuum problem somewhere. Go over the entire vaccuum line system, start under the battery by the big vaccuum ball. They are known to crack there. I had no CC with the Olds for a while until I found a damn near invisible crack in the line under the battery. Plugged the hose and now it works good as new.


Love my CC, drive 1.25 hrs to work in the AM, all Highway.


cruise control isn't a needed thing.... it doesn't hurt your foot with out it or anything... but it does help prevent speeding tickets! :D

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