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Hello to everyone. My name is Ronnie and I live outside of Dallas, Tx. in the small town of Coppell. I'm glad to have found this forum as it has already provided me with information about my 94 Cutlass Supreme convertible I had not found anywhere else. This is my second 94 convertible, like an idot, I had restored the first one and got a bug to go old school. I sold it and found 69 hardtop that I wokred on about a year before I had to get back to the W body convertible. I really enjoy working on and driving this car. It has the 3.4 that I've just rebuilt but I won't take all the credit as I had to get a "real" mechanic to get the timing correct. I'm replacing the top next and really not looking forward to that but I'll give it a try. I'll post some pics of my car as soon as I get some decent ones as the only ones I have now are when I rescued her from the junk yard. She ain't too bad looking now.


I hope to gain a lot of knowledge and share some as well. Thanks for having me and I look forward to getting to know you.


Ronnie a.k.a. oldsfever


Welcome to the site! What color is your vert?


Thanks for the welcome. It is white with a white top and maroon interior. I normally don't like white cars but have become fond of this one. It's a lot easier to keep clean. I sure like yours. The first one was teal and black. It was okay too but touch up paint was hard to find.


Welcome to the forum!!!! Seeing how you bought it from the junk yard you have to post them pics,lol!!! Was the engine the only problem with the car or was there damage as well?? But regardless nice to see another cutlass owner




I found this one that was taken back in June that shows some of the damage. The motor and the top were the major things wrong with it but you can see the door got jammed and the drivers side clear coat has turned yellow. The interior was missing a few pieces and I had to rebuild the steering column to get it inspected. I'm still having issues with the air bag and I need to get a clockspring for it. Although it was in the junk yard, it was not junk and I hated to see it be parted out.


Thanks for the welcome and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that likes these cars!


The top is white. I was thinking about going with a black one but this one was listed oh theBay for a price I couldn't turn down. Nice looking Cutlass. I hope to catch up to you one day but I have a ways to go. The previous owners didn't take care of the car but I'm getting it done one project at a time.


Thanks for the welcome.


Thank you. Mine has a black top. If I ever end up needing a repalcement years from now. I want to go with a canvas top.


I've become partial to them the last few years. I had never owned one before but I had always had a motorcycle. When I had to get rid of the last one, due to an injury, I found out a convertible is a close as you can get to the same feeling, at least for me. Maybe it's an age thing. Plus not having hair anymore makes it easier to deal with. haha


Wow that was a junk yard car? Who the hell would send one like that to the junk yard... Nice save though, not too bad for what it is! Welcome.


That's the car after 3 months of elbow grease, new tires, and replacement of several missing parts. Of course the reason I got it was to bring it back from the dead. Plus, it gives me and the son one on one time and that's hard to find after they start driving. He's 21 now and still gets in there with me like he did when he was 13. Good times!

That's the car after 3 months of elbow grease, new tires, and replacement of several missing parts. Of course the reason I got it was to bring it back from the dead. Plus, it gives me and the son one on one time and that's hard to find after they start driving. He's 21 now and still gets in there with me like he did when he was 13. Good times!


That's what it's about. My father and I just welded up a muffler on my Grand prix.

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