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Getrag 282 intermediate shaft axle seal

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Installed Getrag 282 into my 92 GTP. The intermediate shaft axle seal is slightly leaking. I can't find another through GM. My mechanic said there is currently a bearing seal on the end of the shaft which was used to seal previously. HI am wondering what others have used to get the axle to seal on the intermediate shaft.




i think i'm having the same problem since this last swap....hope someone chimes in


Hey Jon,

Friend of mine recommend to simply go into a bearing/seal shop and ask them to match something up. I plan on take my spare intermediate shaft to a shop this week and have them match up a seal for me. I do plan on buying a few extra's just in case. If I get something that works I'll let you know and can send you some seals too if you wanted.


I'll keep you informed of my progress.


sweet. i've got fluid leaking from both sides under the car, but i don't recall having any drips till i put the axles and trans fluid in. gotta drain it and let it sit to confirm


Ok. Well pulled a # off the old seal 14092900. Ofcourse it's discountinued through GM. When searching for the part# I found an interchange from Timken. http://www.who-sells-it.com/cy/timken-4401/automotive-aftermarket-seal-interchange-guide-21322/page-38-fullsize.html which says the Timken Part# is2003N.


I search for this part# at rockauto and it lists a timken and a national seal. Both in stock and list for our cars as an "output shaft seal". I am going to try and find this seal locally and will let you know if this works!


Timken 2003N just happens to be the same PN as the Getrag 284 uses for axle seals


From my research, Getrag 282 and 284 use the same axle seals. Do you have any experience with those timken seals? If they work well or are they junk? I've had mixed results using aftermarket axle seals on different cars in the past.


they seem to work pretty good, just take care to make sure they don't get bent up while installing. The GM ones are better but seeings as they are no longer available...

this all seems to be coming together


Agreed. Thanks all for the help.


I know my car currently has the add-on bearing and it's leaking. Anybody ever removed on and know how much a PIA it is so I can put in a normal seal?

  • 2 weeks later...

Well swapped out the intermediate shaft and installed a new national 2003N seal in it and it seems to be working well thus far! Will let you know how it works down the road!

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