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Hi guys, my friend is mad at his car and want to sell it to me for $500


A 2001 Chevy Impala . 3400 engine. V6. 175,000 miles.



The problem is yesterday it started leaking coolant heavily from the left lower side of the engine. The engine will red line after 10 mins if you let the car sit long enough or drive it. He also said in the winter the heater doesn't produce much heat at all.



Is it worth it to buy , fix, and resell(and/or drive) this vehicle or should I just let him junk it.



If it is something easy as a lower radiator hose I dont wanna miss out, but also dont wanna pay for new radiotar and such and more. Mind you the hood is chipping paint.


Also , I forgot to mention, this Dingbat put in 2 bottles of Kseal on different ocassions, one being yesterday to try and stop the leak. It stopped the leak but the engine still overheats. Probabably hoses , sensonrs, and new radiator.

Is it worth it to buy , fix, and resell(and/or drive) this vehicle or should I just let him junk it.

Edited by Leo090
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I would pass on it. Its hard to say how much you could end up spending trying to repair it versus what you'll actually get for it. Who knows what damage has already been done to the internals..

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May be a dumb question.. but has the lower intake gasket ever been replaced? It's a common problem for this type of engine- I've had it happen both to my '95 Cutlass and my '98 Intrigue, and I'm waiting for a sign for it to happen to my '02 Bonneville as well.

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Sounds like a lower intake or head gasket issue. A cheap fix if you can do it yourself. But it sounds like the car has been abused and if it has had this problem for awhile there could be other internal problems from it overheating. I would pass.

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