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Proud New Owner of a Red 1990 Chevrolet Lumina Euro V6/3.1

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Good Day!


I hope you're enjoying a pleasant one. I became a Lumina owner about ten days ago. One evening, about two weeks ago, I attempted to start my 91 Pontiac Sunbird Convertible (V6/3.1)... and she just cranked, and cranked... easily... and rapidly. I thought maybe the crankshaft sensor and/or knock sensor. The next day I changed both... no luck. Then someone on another forum (V6Z24.com) suggested I pull the valve cover off the front and check for valve movement. I did... it didn't. The timing chain broke. To make a long sad story short... the 3.1/V6 being an "interference" type engine... when the timing chain broke... the valves got wrecked. I decided after 2 mechanical opinions... to get a replacement, especially since I had just started a new job and I needed wheels.


I found many candidates on Craigslist and discovered it was something of a buyers market. I wanted something with a V6/3.1 and if it could be another Sunbird, that was Ok. I wanted to minimize my losses and use my Sunbird for parts, as it was loaded with many new parts. I had a 90 Lumina many years ago and liked the car and the V6... so I was familiar with it. I also liked the 2 door coupe model and noticed that there certainly weren't as many of them as 4 door models.


I found my new/old Lumina on Craigslist for $875. I got it for $800. The Gentleman threw in another set of aluminum rims/tires and the original steel wheels/tires... 8 extra wheels in all. The car recently had replaced the fuel pump, ignition control module, crankshaftt sensor, air filter... new front brakes... exhaust pipe and muffler... The oil was freshly changed. The car has very, very, little rust anywhere. The front drivers side fender is crinkled and the A/C doesn't work... there is absolutely no shock absorption action anywhere... but it does have a Remote Starter, that when hooked up, will be a nice feature to have during the winter. He also gave me a new set of plugs and wires to go with it. It needed a tune up badly.


I just replaced the plugs and wires... and the car is much happier now. I still have some issues and aesthetically... she's looking rough. I believe with a bunch of bucks, a shelf full of body/paint refinishing supplies, and at least two elbows full of grease... I can make her pretty again. It's my goal and project to bring some fine form and function back to this ol' girl. I hope, with the help of other Lumina enthusiasts, such as the many found on this forum... I can more easily do just that.


Enjoy Your Weekends... and Your Ride!


John B.


Ps. if you have a 3.1/V6 with high miles... I recommend that you get your timing chain replaced. I know I'll be doing mine ASAP... as the funds become available (about a $500 job).










Welcome! Very nice lumina looks really clean. Hope you can enjoy it for a long time to come.

Welcome! Very nice lumina looks really clean. Hope you can enjoy it for a long time to come.


It's mostly just the lighting... much of the clearcoat is gone and there are lots of chipping paint... no matter... I'll clean her up nice... and I intend to keep it alive forever.


You're car is Stunning.... Awesome! I've never seen anything like it. Luxurious and Very Sporty!


Nice car, reliable engine. Put a little tlc into it, it will be a looker.


Nice Lumina love the lumina coupes of that year would not mind having one my self or a grand prix of that same style, any who welcome to the site fellow lumina owner.:thumbsup:


I love that rear wing on the Lumina, my Aunt used to have a Dodge Daytona that had a wing like that. Pretty unique if you ask me.


But not too bad looking, maybe some buffing up and clean the wheels up a bit.

The interior looks flawless though :thumbsup: All around good looking car, Welcome!


Ahhhh, brings back memories of mine. sniff sniff. I miss it still. Nice lumi and nice because of my sentimental appeal due to having nearly an identical car (same color too). Welcome.


I saw mention of V6Z24, great site! Back in my Cavalier days I was there all the time, and still check in every so often. I had an 88 white/white vert.


Ps. if you have a 3.1/V6 with high miles... I recommend that you get your timing chain replaced. I know I'll be doing mine ASAP... as the funds become available (about a $500 job).


As much as I don't think it's a bad idea, I've almost never heard of this actually happening until now. In my opinion I wouldn't waste that kind of money on something minorly preventative as this. That's just me though. Watch, now my GP @ 196k miles will eat a timing chain this week :lol:


Is your Sunbird vert in bad enough shape that you don't want to find and install another engine in it?


That Lumina Euro coupe is not a very common car. With some body work she'll look real nice.

Is your Sunbird vert in bad enough shape that you don't want to find and install another engine in it?


That Lumina Euro coupe is not a very common car. With some body work she'll look real nice.


I just started a new job when the Sunbird died.. I had to get another car fast... I don't have the facilities, a garage, shop, etc... to do the work in. I'm fully capable of doing it... just don't have the place, nor the funds... I'm just getting back into the world after over a year and a half... my lower lumbars gave out New Years 2010... after many complications, setbacks, holdups... I finally got new parts... but then withdrawing from opiate pain meds, rehab... etc... I'm back up and running... but... sadly... not so for my old Sunbird. I have her for sale, new timing chain and all... I hope to sell her to some gearhead who can make a right rod out of her... wouldn't take much...


I like the Lumina very much. I had one once before many years ago... a 90 coupe. It's true there aren't many around. I looked up some stats and out of 324,094 Luminas built, only 45,783 were coupes... I'm not sure how many were Euro Style.


like the way it rides... much more comfortable... even without a full set of properly operating struts (got some coming from Ebay)... I believe it's relatively easy to work on. I'm certainly familiar with the engine... although, I'm always, unfortunately, learning something new. I like the overdrive transmission and the 4 wheel disc brakes. I like the heater and I'm looking forward to having it this winter. I like that the top doesn't leak... and that I don't have to drill holes in the floor to let the water out. I like that I just found several in my local salvage yard that I can pull parts from cheap. It's a better car for me... my girl... and my dog.

I saw mention of V6Z24, great site! Back in my Cavalier days I was there all the time, and still check in every so often. I had an 88 white/white vert.




As much as I don't think it's a bad idea, I've almost never heard of this actually happening until now. In my opinion I wouldn't waste that kind of money on something minorly preventative as this. That's just me though. Watch, now my GP @ 196k miles will eat a timing chain this week :lol:


Ive heard of several instances, even on here... :/


Is your Sunbird vert in bad enough shape that you don't want to find and install another engine in it?


That Lumina Euro coupe is not a very common car. With some body work she'll look real nice.


That's what I tried to tell Chris recently because I saw a euro coupe... he wouldn't have any of it! He said he sees them more than 4 doors...... I think the 2 doors are rarer.... I believe that one I saw recently was the ONLY one i've seen until this thread...







ANYWAYS..... Welcome!!! I see a lot of potential in this car!! Get that 5-spoke swapped off of there lol.


I don't think I said that the 4 doors are less common, the 2 doors are for sure.


I always liked the 90' euro coupes, I almost bought one before I purchased my 93' Z34 years ago. I love the Grille and the 90' only instrument panel.

Lumina is the best choice. I should know. I own 5.


Just a short while ago, tonight, I was starting up my Lumina to drive home from work... and I had a thought about how much fun it's going to be to "fix" up my car. I thought about how much potential it has. It's just what I need... I'm just back into the world myself after over a year and a half... got some new Lumbar parts last summer myself... now, this past month, a new job... and a new ride/toy to play with.


I've had the car about 2... 2 1/2 weeks or so... I've done some basic tune up work on the engine... wires, plugs, new torque struts... some cleaning... I've got some parts from my old Sunbird 3.1 to transfer over... I've already got a good sized shopping list... and piles of parts coming in from Ebay... struts all around... seat covers (got a dog)... window tint... I like that Windshield Anti-Glare strip on your 93... I'm going to look for one on Ebay... I also find your mods very interesting. I'm not sure how far I'll go with mine in the distant future... but for now... I have a lot of form and function to catch up on.


I'm sure I won't end up with more than one Lumina... but I certainly admire your focus. I guess when you find something perfect... stick with it.

What anti glare on the windshield? Tint is definitely the way to go.


...the strip along the top of your windshield that says "L U M I N A"... whatever it's called... did you make that? ...is it custom?


Yes, its custom made. A guy who does my tint at my work made it from the factory LUMINA script that i had given him. Its a decal nothing more. Love it though, alot.

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