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Possibly picking this up in another month or so.


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My friend's 1994 Regal. Series 1 3800.... 145,300 miles on it as of right now. Driven daily still. Needs LIM gaskets....He said If I come down there to Tennessee and fix the car he will give me the car for alot less than what he would post it for on craigslist. (I don't want to disclose the price as of right now...but it's an offer I have a very hard time refusing) or he has a friend that's a mechanic that will do the LIM job for $300... and then I'd fly down and drive it back here to NY and use for a winter beater.....I REALLY do not want to drive the 03 in the winter.






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Looks sweet!!!:thumbsup: Do you even have room for more cars?!:lol:



Mehh....yes and no. In the summertime it wouldnt be a big deal because I keep the 3 cars here at my place, and I wouldnt drive this in the summer so it could sit ay my mom's in the summer.


The winter time will be a bit challenging this coming winter.....The Silver GTP will go in the horse barn as it does every winter at my moms.....the 03 I would probably just keep in the garage at my house now....and The 91 I would most likely put in my mom's driveway and throw like 2 covers over it and a tarp.

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Its not a GP, so you fail:lol:


For the price I'd be getting it at.....It would be anything but fail. Plus....I miss having a buick around. :D

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I'm sure you've looked into it, but are storage units reasonable? (I have no idea, that's why there's a question mark...)


They arent really cheap....Why spend the $ when I can put one car in the driveway at my moms house which is gigantic. I'll just cover it up good. As long as it doesnt see salt, and isnt parked on grass...its not going to hurt.

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I've done a number of LIM gasket jobs on L36s and L67s....I cant imagine doing one on a S1 3800 is much different at all....the only problem is I can't bring any tools with me when I fly down there, and he doesnt have to tools to do it. He does drive the car daily...and has to add coolant to it every so often....but I'd just rather have it all fixed before driving it to NY.

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My Buick has been a very reliable winter beater the last 3 years. Even survived a 45 MPH crash with a Taurus last winter:lol:. So I say go for it. And $300 sounds pretty fair for the LIM gasket job.

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Yeah It all comes down to how much $$ I can pool up before October. I've been running into alot of costly issues here and there (not all car related). If I can't do it I'll just get the 03 oiled in Canada, put the winter wheels & tires on it, and keep my unlimited wash plan for $13/month on it and keep it washed every day in the winter like I do whatever I drive in the winter.

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If I can't do it I'll just get the 03 oiled in Canada, put the winter wheels & tires on it, and keep my unlimited wash plan for $13/month on it and keep it washed every day in the winter like I do whatever I drive in the winter.


I think that's a good idea IMO. The GTP's seem to be nicer than the 03 anyway. It'll make a great DD/winter car.

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I think that's a good idea IMO. The GTP's seem to be nicer than the 03 anyway. It'll make a great DD/winter car.


The 00 GTP has never seen winter in it's life....you can eat off the underbody, so that will always stay that way. The 91 GTP (Also GTP) isnt in as nice shape as the 03....but it's 98% rust free and it's just so rare that I don't want to put it through winters...so that will be stored. The 03 is in very good shape...clean underbody....I figure with the Canadian oiling (which gets everything not just certain areas like undercoating) and the Unlimited washes at Delta Sonic It will stay in good shape for years to come.


Unlimited wash plan!?!?!??!


Yes there's a car wash chain here called Delta Sonic. (they're in Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Erie PA, and for some random reason there's even a few of them in the Chicago area, but nowhere else) They have an unlimited wash plan for $13/month charged to your card. It's their top of the line wash....as many times as you want!!! If say you get your car washed....and 2 hours later a bird shits on it....you can go back through. They put a bar code sticker on your car (mine is in the doorjamb) and they scan it....and you just go through. A normal top of the line wash from them is $18...and it gets you the original wash plus 2 more within 2 weeks....but that's it. or....$13/month for UNLIMITED of these. I have it on the 03 now....I park in a dusty lot at work....so I take it every 2 or 3 days this time of year.

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Not necessarily....I was told the oil is mixed with this sticky residue...so it doesnt wash off. Ikd you'd have to aks Chinese Matt about it.... he knows alot about it and has his Denali oiled before winters. He says it stays on there all winter.

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