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So I Drove Through A Puddle.....CAN'T TURN!!!


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Ok, so after work today I get in my car, and it's been raining, right? Well there's a huge puddle (well not deep, just big) a few feet away between me and the stop sign. I have to drive through it, and I always do. Probably going between 5-10mph and I stop at the stop sign at the other end of the puddle. Go to take off, the car won't turn left. Steering wheel turned left (but it wouldn't turn all the way) but when I started moving the car just went straight. Also the belt sounded like it may have slipped or something, it made a chirp noise once. Straitened the wheel out, tried again and it went like nothing was wrong. Never did anything abnormal on the rest of the way home.


WTF :think: I've never heard of such a thing! Any ideas if I should check for something? Could something have broken that I should look for? Or just leave it be and see if it ever does it again? Last thing I would want is to find out I had something break and it'll break again while driving...

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No, but it's funny you mention that... I did just screw with it a few days ago to try and get a better look at the crank position sensor... So there's a possibility that I didn't reattach it right, or missed a screw on it or something... I'll have to go check it out. Thanks!:thumbsup:

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in my Neon this was a big problem, it was my first car, i remember hitting a puddle right on this corner that was very sharp, almost went into a car that was at the stop sign..very dangerous

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