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Hello back to you from Canada


Blame Canada, Blame Canada

With all their hockey hullabaloo

And that bitch Justin Beiber too...

XD yes. it's all Canada's fault.


Don't forget, Canada also inflicted William Shatner on the US...


But, they DID produce Rush, so that's bound to count for SOMETHING! :roll:



Blame Canada, Blame Canada

With all their hockey hullabaloo

And that bitch Justin Beiber too...

XD yes. it's all Canada's fault.


The list of famous people is actually pretty long (off the top of my head, Lorne Greene, Leslie Nielsen, Michael J. Fox, David Foster, Alex Trebek, Jim Carrey, ...) . Even worse (for us Canadians) was when our aerospace industry got decimated in the '50s due to the cancellation of the Avro Arrow, most of our top guys went south and a lot of them had high ranking spots at NASA among others. I couldn't recall the specifics, so quick search brought up this: http://www.avroland.ca/cdc-can-gift-nasa.html


Lol. I never claimed to be anything else but weird. Thank you. :burnout:


Besides apparently we have nothing better to do than invade the US this way since it snows all year round and we live in igloos. My cutlass convertible is actually a dogsled with a cardboard model of a Cutlass on it.

My cutlass convertible is actually a dogsled with a cardboard model of a Cutlass on it.


Really? My Century is too! Only mine doubles as a dory so I can go fishing during the "summer" :lol:


I can't forget..especially after my "incident" a couple months ago. It took nearly a week to dry out completely!


Actually my convertible needed a long time to dry out after sitting in the weather for a year and half. The trunk was especially soggy from a leaky drain hose from the roof well, and the passenger compartment was quite damp. I was shocked the electronics still worked. All of the leaks have since been pretty much dealt with now.


That sucks. I've been lucky with my Century..the trunk was a little funky when I bought it, but it dried out quick. My Ranger had a really bad leak somewhere, and I used to get ice on the floor under the drivers' mat. I never could get that to dry out during the winter..


Well as my since my Olds is a convertible, some leaking is almost expected, especially if you have it sitting outside for a long time (18 months). However it was surprisingly decent all things considered. My Regal has been dry as a bone unless something leaks in the trunk (like a bag of milk on the hottest day of summer, wet and stinks). I have had the Buick since new in 1998, but only got the Olds when it was already 11 years old.


I think thats what happened with mine.. the trunk had a lot of dirt and sawdust :confused: in it, so something probably leaked out. Wow, we really jacked this thread :lol:


I'll get us back on track:


Welcome to the site! :thumbsup:

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