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Project Cutlass Supreme


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That is pretty cool. But why get that, since I have to have both plates visible at all times? Most cities around here will tow if you don't have both plates with current tabs showing. Minneapolis almost took my Cutlass away from me because I had it parked for a while and didn't put the new ones on because I wasn't driving it and didn't want them stolen.


(and yes, it was parked off street)

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I've had decent luck with police on the rare occasion that I forget to put new tabs on a car. I just remain polite and they let me put them on the car. But city inspectors... My grandma lives in NE Minneapolis and man could I tell you stories... Like the time they fined her for have toxic refuse containers in her back yard. These containers were barrels used years before to mix concrete for the garage my Grandpa built, and afterwards he would keep sand in one salt in the other for the sidewalks in the winter. Another time, the city came in, ripped out all of her ferns on the side of the garage and fined her for "weed removal."


The city inspectors WILL go into your yard, go through your trash, open anything they can get their hands on and if they find anything they don't like, they will fine you. And from the examples above, you have an idea of what they consider to be undesirable.


When my cutlass was there it was prior to the rebuild, and was pretty rough looking. They sent her a letter saying she was storing toxic materials again (oil, coolant etc) and and were keeping abandoned vehicles on her property and they were going to fine her and remove it.


All I can say is, there is a reason that Minneapolis has been losing population for 50 years- everyone who could moved out to the suburbs.

Edited by darkwolf45
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