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Project Cutlass Supreme


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Been working on restoring my '95 Cutlass Supreme since last fall and have done quite a bit of work. Phase 1 was just getting it operational and reliable again, which I accomplished in about a month. Phase 2 has been to do all the "elective" things to make it look new and run the way I wanted it to. I am approaching the end of this phase.


Finally, phase 3 will be to add upgrades to the car that I have dreamt of. Not a while lot. I would like to add oil pressure, oil temp and voltmeter gauges tithe car, most likely on the driver's side door pylon. I would also like to mod a laptop to mount on a moveable arm for engine diagnostic data and music, among other things.


Anyway, before I get there, I need to finish with what I have now. The three remaining items are to deal with the very cracked dash, get the worn out driver's seat taken care of and replace the windshield.


The dash is the biggest issue. Some if the cracks run the depth of the dash, so a simple vinyl repair kit won't do the trick. I have tried to remove a dash from junked cars, but in all honesty, I haven't figured out how to pull it out yet.


If anyone has advice on how to deal with a severly cracked dash in a 95-97 cutlass, I would appreciate it.


Oh yeah, almost forgot: I just got the GM service manuals for 1995 W-class! It will be interesting to see wha I can learn from those!

Edited by darkwolf45
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Sounds like your only choice now is to get another dash. As far as the removal procedure, not sure, but it should be in that service manual. Good luck with the resto, and pics please :D

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I would like to add oil pressure, oil temp and voltmeter gauges tithe car, most likely on the driver's side door pylon.


I really want to see this done...I liked how my dash had all of those on my 94, then the 95 dropped all of them unfortunately :\ Cant wait to see how it turns out!

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I've done this a few times... Alternatively they do make dash board carpet covers as a cheap way out of getting replacement in....


HOWEVER>>>>> You could always do the totally awesome GP dash swap and add a DIC!!!!

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I've done this a few times... Alternatively they do make dash board carpet covers as a cheap way out of getting replacement in....


HOWEVER>>>>> You could always do the totally awesome GP dash swap and add a DIC!!!!


I could.. I've always really liked the dash in my CS, but now you have me thinking about it... does a GP DIC of that vintage give the same info I would get from the DIC in my '02 Bonneville?


I gave getting the dash out of a JY car another shot the other day and failed again. I don't know what I am missing. The service manual does show that the dash can be removed, but it doesn't show where all the bolts are to disconnect in order to get it out.


Oh yeah, and I found a digital climate control from a '96 CS, but it has a different connector than the stock one in my '95. IS there an easy way for me to plug in the new one into my car?

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Cool, I finally got a dash out of a junked car, and it wasn't particularly easy. In the end it was being held in by one tiny 9/32" bolt that I couldn't get loose. I got it home and have been rubbing armor all in it several times a day since yesterday afternoon. I'll probably try to get it in next weekend.


That dash sure was dried out. I wiped it down twice with armor all and it still looked dry



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Well, I will share what I learned: I had to go through a big job to figure out that it isn't that big of a job. There are four bolts on either side of the dash that connect ust inside the walls of the car. If you look at the picture, there are two bolts that go in on top, at the back, and a few small bolts on the bottom around the ash tray and the steering column. A 9/32" one to the right of the steering column gave me the most trouble. Once those were out, there were two plastic joints where the dash clipped in, and then the whole thing came right out, save for the wiring harnesses clipped onto it.


The dash i got I soaked in as much armor all as I could for several days, but yesterday I decided to switch up to a Mcquire's conditioning/cleaning spray and the difference has been night and day.


So now, I need to get the new one in, and after a week of cleaning and conditioning, I'm hoping it is ready. My real question is the airbag. Getting an airbag out of a junked cutlass with no power for weeks is one thing, but getting it out of my car... I'm a bit nervous.

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One more thing: I pulled a digital climate control from a '96 CS sedan that has a different connector than the one I have in my '95. Is there a way to make this work in my CS?

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Hmmm... Interesting, since most of the '96 CSs I have seen have the same as the stock one in my '95. i would have thought the wiring would be there to change the units out.

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Old dash is out, new one is in. That was a heck of a job. Got the whole thing reassembled only to find out that I forgot to connect the instrument cluster to the system. :bang:


So, this project is wrapping up. I still need to replace the windshield and have the driver’s seat reupholstered. The rest will be touch up. I need to touch up the black paint on the driver’s side and on the rear view mirrors. Also, the rear pylons on either side of the rear window could use some smoothing out and touch up. Finally, I have a luggage rack/spoiler that is a bit of a flaky gray. I would like to paint it either glossy black, or a dark gray, almost black with metal flakes. Is there a good write up on prepping parts like these for painting? This is yet another thing I have never done before…


Then polish up the wheels and that’s all she wrote!

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hint: bucket upholstery is the same left and right and coupe and sedan... if you are lucky enough to find a excellent passenger seat, you can swap the seat skins. Be warned that you will have some invisible sewing to do, and that the release peg on the rear of coupes must be added, and if the donor was a coupe you will have the release peg hole on the wrong side that should be sewn up....

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LOL! That's a bit of a job to make that conversion, isn't it?


In any event, i really like the bench seats. I feel a lot lest trapped than if I were in bucket seats with a console.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Eventually, I would like to put in a mount for a laptop, or mod a laptop for use in the car for various things. Here is my first attempt at a background screen for the UI. Any thoughts?


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