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normally I would not post such a silly thread. but I was asked to check out my buddies grandmothers 97' 3100 Century. it has 82,000 miles. It has the worst coolant I've ever seen.


The coolant in the radiator is actually thick and goopey, just completely nasty. the upper and lower radiator hoses are about the consistency of marshmallows and are weeping coolant.


They had got me "mix with everything" coolant. I said get me some dexcool and new radiator hoses and I'll knock it out.


I'm rather concerned with how to get this crap out of all the coolant passages, are there any block drains I can remove to better drain and flush the engine out? Any chemicals that can break down this crap. It looks like someone mixed green and dex and created this mess that way.


And before anyone asks, yes the oil is clean, yes the intake gaskets are fine, they were done a few years back I remember right.


You have two plugs at the bottom of the internal coolant passages in block, one in the front and one in the rear. They can be reached with ease from below, and I have even pulled them from a motor while running... It appears as a 13mm headed bolt with fine threads located pretty much dead center of the block maybe 4 to 6 cm from the oil pan edge. to reseal the plug, first I wire brush it clean and then use teflon tape.


I would advise you to replace the waterpump at this time(bad coolant damages it's bearings), and consider that the radiator and all other hoses may be compromised and fail in the very near future.


Use a garden hose, and spray into each inlet and outlet possible until all you see is clean water pouring out.


If you want to be certain you are getting it all out, you could fill with water, run the engine until warm, drain, and repeat a few times, then do your final mixture.


The prestone radiator flush stuff works fine. Follow its directions, replace hoses and thermostat and go from there.

  • 9 months later...

Later then never update to this in case anyone searches it out, after this everything kinda went to hell in a handbasket. Within a month the waterpump started leaking everywhere. A month after that the intake gaskets went. As far as I can tell they were original to the car, maybe not who knows. they were bad either way. After that and one final cooling system drain/refill the car has been fine.

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