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AC Compressor Seal/Gasket

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Is there any secretes to installing those two aluminum washers with black rubber in the middle of them that seals the lines to the a/c compressor on a 3100. When I put my junk yard compressor on I had new gaskets from advance auto that came in that large set of A/C o-rings. However the connection leaks after several attempts of removing flipping the washer around and such and making sure the surfaces are clean. It looks like the washers are shaped differently on each side. Does it matter what side faces which side? Did I get a bad set of washers? I can hear it leaking when I put a little bit of refrigerant in (30 psi about 30 seconds of a can without vehicle running from a empty system)


My service manual says to tighten that bolt to 20 ft-lbs which seems really low. When I took that bolt off both the cars it felt like it was tightened to 100 ft lbs... So maybe I damaged the washers by tightening them too much the first time through.

Posted (edited)

Also check for flat surfaces, you might have distorted the flats on the manifold side. I don't think those washers are reusable. Check for scratches on the sealing surfaces.

Edited by Oilpatch197
Also check for flat surfaces, you might have distorted the flats on the manifold side. I don't think those washers are reusable. Check for scratches on the sealing surfaces.


Ya everything looked clean, flat, no scratches. Got another set of gaskets still leaked. Tightened to 20 ft lbs using torque wrench. Leaked. Tightened little more but not crazy gorilla strength and still leaked. Gave up and returned my compressor to the junk yard and get a new compressor with hoses attached and seems to be holding the charge now for over a week. Who knows either my hoses or the compressor had some deformity causing the leak.


yep, who knows with junk yard units, it's a gamble for sure. Good thing you could find another one and it's fixed.:)

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